Recent BCNA Submissions

Hi all,
I’m writing to let you know that BCNA has recently developed two submissions on issues that affect women diagnosed with breast cancer.
The first was made to the Victorian Department of Health's review of the Victorian cancer reporting regulations.
Amongst other things, these regulations set out the processes for the reporting of new cases of cancer in the Victorian population, including which groups of health professionals are required to report new cases and what information must be reported.
The Health Department released a Regulatory Impact Statement outlining options for the new regulations and seeking feedback from key stakeholders.
You can read BCNA’s response to the proposed changes to these regulations here.
BCNA’s second submission was made to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on their draft public statement Thermal Imaging for Early Breast Cancer Detection. The draft statement explains what thermography is and the reasons why it is not a suitable breast cancer screening method.
Thermography devises use infrared imaging to detect changes in skin temperature and are often marketed as a breast cancer screening method, despite there being no evidence that they are effective at detecting breast cancer.
You can read BCNA’s response to the draft statement here.
I hope you find these submissions interesting.
Hey Annie! Thanks for posting and letting everyone know.