Fertility related choices booklet

Dear all,
I have just received the new Fertility related choices booklet from BCNA and I am liking it! The booklet contains information about cancer treatment, how it can affect fertility, and fertility options to consider.
The booklet is clearly written and I like the way it asks women to work through each options pros and cons.The word defintions are helpful to all.I think the booklet would be great at the point of diagnosis for all women of childbearing age. The downside is many options are listed as 'costly; and I know this varies from state to state and hospital to hospital but there is no idea of what costly is!
The booklet was developed by University of Sydney PhD candidate Michelle Peate, with the guidance of a reference group of leading Australian breast cancer experts. The production of the booklet is a collaborative effort between Breast Cancer Network Australia and the McGrath Foundation.
I encourage you to download a copy from the website. To order a copy on behalf of a woman, visit the online store or phone BCNA on (Freecall) 1800 500 258. There are limited copies, so please order booklets on an as-need basis only (restriction of 3 booklets per order).
Have a look and let me know what you think!
Cheers Jo