
cranky_granny Member Posts: 833
Just when I thought i was getting through the night just waking turning over repositioning all my pillows and bam back to it. 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,394
    It’s really hard to turn the brain off! Most of the time, it’s the last thing I want to do but it’d be 
    handy to have a switch at 3.30 am! My sleeping issues have nothing to do with BC or treatment but are rather unpredictable. I slept really well for four nights in a row, no sleep aids and then didn’t last night. Ah well, at least I know it’s possible! 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,946
    I hope you have a better one tonight, @cranky_granny. xx. ALL of us!

    I had a really crap night like that last night (and a few during the last week) ..... it was a shocker.  Tossing & turning, must have turned my pillow over 25 times ....  & totally unable to nod off - I probably had 2 hours 'disturbed sleep' and felt totally stuffed today!  :( 
    I've Had a few like that recently ... usually my CBD oil helps me sleep .... not on these nights :(   grrrrr
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 171
    I've had intermittent insomnia and disturbed sleep for as long as I can remember (my husband tells me I can jackknife into a sitting position like a ninja, which I cannot do when awake!), although it did improve as I got older. I don't need much sleep, 6 or 7 hours is a really good sleep for me, so I coped pretty well with the dexamethasone induced insomnia. I'm sleeping better now I'm off the steroids, but I'm now getting hot flushes at night, and the doona on, doona off routine is something new to add to the mix 🙄 I haven't even started hormone therapy yet 😐
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,920
    Oh, the "Battery Brain" ..... don't you just love it when it comes up with some item of interest from some time ago then leaves one worrying about it, writing notes in the mind etc for the remainder of the night ?
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 833
    @June1952   Ive taken to writing down on my little bedside book if it an important thought otherwise I try to switch my mind to pleasant tasks and things. 
    My relaxation techniques have to be changed up to something new I think 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,920
    @cranky_granny, I used to do the notebook thing when I was working and lived alone, then I would go straight back to sleep, but life is different now.  I need to feel relaxed to do any relaxation 🤣🤣
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 833
    @June1952  My relaxation go to was a mix of soft music and if that didn’t work i would switch over to the muscles and breathing combination i had a recording that i would listen to that would take me through the steps. Rarely made it to the end i would fall asleep. For some tome now though its not been working. Mostly due to the arthritis and nerve damage from the metastasis. 
    I definitely dont get enough physical exercise. I need a new walking buddy. Since moving I don’t know anyone on this side of the city to walk with. Tried doing it alone just not the same. 
    Also with so much going on in my life right now my brain is having a field day with the what if’s! why me? And lots of other negative thoughts. I try switch those horrible thought over to pleasant ones.
    a bit like count your blessings name them 1 by 1. 
    For every bad thought I replace it with 2 good ones. 
    Once my latest hiccup is sorted I will get back on track 
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 171
    Hi @June1952 probably one of the only things that works for me is getting up and wandering around for a bit, break the cycle, but it doesn't always work. My husband has trouble getting to sleep, and he finds audio books really work for him.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,920
    Hi @cranky_granny and @Katie46 - I used to use a CD which was fabulous but hubby can hear it and gets cross - he says as we are married we have to sleep in the same bed .... gotta laugh. Sometimes I do get up and walk around but the nights are very cold here so then I stay awake for ages trying to warm up.  Ho hum.  Oh the joys ..... 😁
    Yes, a walking partner would be nice.  Is there a group near you ?  Maybe a BC group or a Heart Foundation group ?
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 962
    Sometimes a warm Milo helps. 

      I'm having issues with my cpap machine mask.   When I roll over Sometimes it comes off a tiny bit.  Straps are tight.  I think there could be an issue with the hose as when I roll over its started making a hissing noise.   Husband not thrilled.   Little dog who sleeps on the bed.  (Don't tell anyone) has started groaning when the mask makes a noise so we are all awake.
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 833
    Ive tried the warm milo with extra malt. Love it but then I wake up to bathroom calling. 
    Im looking forward to winter. The hot flushes are so much more tolerable. I only have to put one foot out and i snuggle under blankets and sleep so much better in winter
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,394
    Sudoku and valerian! 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 833
    The list is endless of what we do in the wee hr of night. When the brains on overdrive or pain breaks through or even just a toilet break. 
    Maybe im just not meant to get a full undisturbed sleep. I forgotten the last time I closed my eyes and the next time I opened them was to turn the alarm off
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,920
    Oh, wouldn't that be bliss @cranky_granny
    My CD is a subliminal one titled 'Sleep Peacefully'.
    Hubby puts his head on the pillow and then there is the sound of snoring.  When he gets up for a toilet break he disturbs me, then he goes straight back to sleep - and I am awake for ages, often hours.
    As I wear hearing aids during the day the CD needs to be louder - so he hears it through my earbuds. 😏