Hormone blockers have induced Menopause after BC. Now need Antidepressant advice

mel_bell Member Posts: 4
Hi ladies, I am 43 years old diagnosed with Lobular BC at 42. ER+, PR+ and HER -
I had bilateral mastectomy in September, have tissue expanders in for now, no chemo or radiation. Have been on Aromasin (Exemestane) hormone blockers for 4 months & blood test with oncologist revealed ER is below 50 so I am officially in menopause. Lots to adjust to.

I have been taking Venlafaxine (Effexor) for 3 months as was struggling with anxiety and very low mood after diagnosis & surgery. Talking with GP & Oncologist currently as Effexor may be helping with the hot flushes but it is not helping to improve anxiety or low mood at all. We are thinking of changing to Paroxetine (Paxil), Citolopram (Celexa) or Escitalopram (Lexapro) as these also can assist with hot flushes. Has anyone been on any of the above meds and can share what helped them please? Not just with hot flushes but with low mood and anxiety aswell.

I have improved my diet and upped my exercise already, I think I just need a bit of extra help this year with anti-depressants for my anxiety and depression to get over this rough patch. Thanks in advance for any replies.  


  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 86
    Yuck. You must feel like crap. 
    Years ago post babies I had escitilopram and it was really good. I tried citilopram and it was awful and made me feel  worse. 
    But think the escitilopram was quite good and I didn’t have any negative side effects as opposed to the other. 
    Good luck. Only you will know xx
  • mel_bell
    mel_bell Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for your reply @MrsMorrisey, escitilopram seems to be one of the better ones, as far as the reading up on them I have done. I'm glad they worked for you, post babies. Thanks for your advice, I appreciate it xx 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,453
    I was on Citalopram for hot flushes and it worked well. However I was only on 10mg and to use it for anxiety you need the larger dose which I have been told does the reverse and increases hot flushes. Your Dr should be able to direct you to the best for your needs.
  • mel_bell
    mel_bell Member Posts: 4
    Thanks @Blossom1961 for your reply. Good to know about your experience with Citalopram, I'm seeing my Dr tomorrow to work out a plan. 
  • Ktre
    Ktre Member Posts: 103
    Hi, I am Stage 4 and er+/PR+ her2-, I take letrozole for the hormone blocker which does cause some hot flushes, but they have calmed down a bit (3 years in) I take fluoxetine as anxiety antidepressant and it has worked wonders for me. Is it on 40mg at moment but have gone down to 20 when I feel a lot better and you can go up to 60
  • mel_bell
    mel_bell Member Posts: 4
    Thanks @Ktre for your reply. I'm glad the hot flushes have calmed down for you now & the fluoxetine is working well for you. 
  • Ktre
    Ktre Member Posts: 103
    Hi @mel_bell, hope you and doctor's can come up with a solution that works