Fluid retention where breast was

Spursy Member Posts: 26
Hello I  have had a mastectomy in January this year. All has gone well the drain has been removed but I still get fluid build up where the breast was, is this normal, should I  just keep massaging the area and when do you think I should see a dr. ? 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    It’s probably a seroma - massage can help but that depends on how much fluid accumulates. If the fluid increases noticeably or causes discomfort, then best to see a doctor. The fluid can be removed (aspirated) but preference is for it to disperse naturally - it’s sort of like the fluid in a blister, it’s there to help the healing process but the body can sometimes overdo it! 
  • Spursy
    Spursy Member Posts: 26
    Thankyou.  Afraser.