@gumnut@iserbrown@jenny@Julez1958@June1952@Ktre@PrisMay1 and @arpie Thank you all for the well wishes I really appreciate it. I thought I'd share I am now going into my 9th year clear from my 2nd diagnosis. I don't look too far ahead a year at a time is good.
My day was so lovely, my son and daughter came to visit they are 24 and 26. I don't get to see them very much due to schedules. However my son told me to close my eyes and played some music on his phone (which I didnt know what it was) and placed folded paper in my hand. I opened my eyes and they had bought me a ticket to see Wicked. Here is the irony of it....I used to go see live shows with my Mum but she's been gone 15 years and I've done it since because it was our thing. My son says I'm taking you Mum my daughter and hubby don't like it. But my SON does and he said I think its time you and I did this. Needless to say I was an emotional mess, missing my Mum and elated at the same time to go on a date with my Son. He's not a big communicator so shocked me!
Oh @melclarity that sounds like a great Birthday!!! Sounds like you have raised a wonderful young man!! Btw I’m 4 weeks post op today and getting around more each day!!