Searching for advice

brookemaree Member Posts: 1 New Member
Good evening, 

I’m 39 and I have recently had some scans done after discovering a lump in my left breast. I have had sharp shooting pain straight through the middle of my nipple constantly, over all breast pain and a dark greenish brown coloured thick discharge from my nipple. This has been going for the last few months on and off but now it’s daily.  
I had the ultrasound return and I’m being sent for a core biopsy by my GP, he’s also CC’d the breast clinic at the local hospital to receive the results. The referral says possible ductal papilloma, but I’m freaking out because he’s told me that the hospital will be removing the growth and checking for early stages of cancer. 
Breast cancer runs on both sides of my family, my grandmother passed and my Aunty had it when she was in her early 40’s. 
Just curious if anyone has had a similar experience with the potential papilloma, I guess the waiting in limbo with no real answer with this constant pain and discharge isn’t really helping the “what if’s” in my mind. 

Thank you all x 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472

    Unfortunately all you can do is wait for the results and further advice. Whatever the outcome, the sooner you know what is happening and can receive treatment, the better. If it is cancer, the sooner treated the better the outcome. Deep breaths, and best wishes. 
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    The waiting for results is tough, but try not to get ahead of yourself. I know that is so easy to say, but I have learnt that our bodies are complex and there are multiple possibilities. It is really good that your doctors are doing a thorough investigation. It is important that you have the biopsy - knowledge is power. You are in good hands. Keep away from google as this may cause you unnecessary worry. Try to keep yourself busy. Sending you best wishes.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,303
    S0 sorry to see you join our select little group @brookemaree ..... we'll do our best to help you thru the early bumpy stages ..... I hope you have good family support - and make sure you take a trusted family member or friend WITH YOU to your appointments, as a 2nd set of ears, as it is easy to 'miss stuff' on the day.  Consider recording it too, on your phone - I did.

    You can use the 'search' tool for many BC terms ..... searching for Papilloma came up with this (there were no results for 'ductal papilloma):

    The girls have given great advice above ... yes, it definitely needs the biopsy & surgery to rectify and great that they are doing lots of tests - and fingers crossed, no cancer is identified xx. 

    Yep, the waiting really sucks!!  In between now and your procedure, try & keep busy doing stuff you LOVE doing!!   Cos this disease really mucks with your BRAIN even more than your body!  Keeping physically busy can help reduce the anxiety xx. If you DO feel scared, sad or anxious - give our help line a bell on Monday-Fri on 18000 500 258 xx

    Take lots of deep breaths .... absolutely stay away from Dr Google - every case is unique & Google will just scare you (AND give you the wrong info!)

    take care