Ongoing issue

nishali Member Posts: 1 New Member
Hello ladies first time posting. 
I was diagnosed with triple neg breast cancer last year and had to have a mastectomy before I started chemo. I seem to get every side effect in the book, and because of what I went thru I opted to have my right side removed as a precaution. My first mastectomy I healed so fast and it was no problem what so ever, however my second surgery is a struggle. The wound took so long to heal, I had a little fluid but it was seen by my surgeon and she said it’s fine. I picked up a cold and had fevers, body aches and all of a sudden I had fluid filling on my right side. I got this drained as it was a seroma and all was well until a couple of days ago where it has swelled up and hard to the touch? I’m 4 months post op has anyone else experienced this? 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    edited January 2024
    So sorry to see you join us here @nishali - Do you have a breast care Nurse that you can talk to?  Failing that, ring your surgeon's office on Monday morning, to fill her on in what is happening.  Failing that, your GP.

    You can also join the Triple Negative group, that is private - you can discuss ANYTHING without the rest of the world watching xx 

    Is it hot to the touch as well?  Do you have a fever right now?   You may need some antibiotics.
    Bad luck with the fevers & body aches .... it almost sounds like you had coivd??

    Take care & all the best 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    In my experience, seromas can very easily refill. It’s also possible for infection to occur as the fluid is richly nutritious and a delight for bacteria! Best to see your oncologist or GP. Best wishes.