Life with Cancer

Joey Member Posts: 63
edited February 2012 in General discussion

When I woke up this morning, the world was all cancer.  So I got up and had some cancer, went into the cancer and put on the cancer.  After I finished my cancer, I went and had a cancer, and then put on my cancer and went to cancer.  On the way to cancer, I remembered cancer, and I thought “Oh cancer, how could I have forgotten cancer?”  It was really funny, because I’m cancer sometimes!

The whole day at cancer was totally cancer.  I drove home and walked through the cancer.  There was cancer on the television, in the paper and on the radio.  I tried to make myself some cancer, but I felt too cancer, so I dialled out for some cancer.  After watching a few episodes of cancer, I had a cancer and went to cancer.  I read a cancer for a while, but I couldn’t concentrate after all the cancer.

Sometimes I get sick of my whole life being about cancer. 


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited March 2015

    Yes,you have entered the cancer world - the darkside. You live and breathe cancer at first when you are having surgery and treatments. Pathology results will then tell you whether you have a "good"cancer or a "nasty"cancer. In cancerland I'm considered lucky cos I got early breast cancer twice.Hopefully, you are just here for a holiday Joey.Soon you'll be able to pack your bags,leave cancerland and go back to realworld.But the memories will linger on for some time.

                               Tonya xx

  • pennyb
    pennyb Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015
    Great post!
    I know exactly how you are feeling
    Love Penny xx
  • pennyb
    pennyb Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015
    Great post!
    I know exactly how you are feeling
    Love Penny xx
  • pennyb
    pennyb Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015
    Great post!
    I know exactly how you are feeling
    Love Penny xx