Wigs - where are the best places to get them in sydney

IlonaC Member Posts: 14
Hi ladies.
I need a wig asap as the one I ordered online has not arrived.  And I really do not want to walk around bald.  I know that that seems silly and I can just wear a cap or something I'm.just not mentally ready for that yet.  And I have been lucky enough that 14 days in my hair is still intact but I'm guessing not much longer now
Where are the best places in Sydney to get wigs from? 
Thank is in advance


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @IlonaC
    i have no wig suggestions but Leila o Toole in the stand arcade in Sydney do mastectomy bras and swimsuits so maybe they could suggest someone .
    Best of luck.
  • IlonaC
    IlonaC Member Posts: 14
    My kids have decided we are having a girls day out Monday and visiting all wig shops around Sydney.  Hopefully we find something or at least have a  fun day out
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    @IlonaC I hope you have success with your wig shopping.  It's lovely your kids are taking you.

    I went to a wig shop in Melbourne.  My husband came with me.  The man trying the wigs on me was excellent.  He made me feel very comfortable.   My treatment was during covid so I  didn't get wear it out a lot as in Victoria we were in  a constant state of lock down and not allowed out.  I did also get some online.
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 160
    There's one in Neutral Bay on lower Nth Shore if that's not too far for you, it's called " The Beautiful Hair Boutique" luxury wigs & toppers. 4/211 Ben Boyd Rd. Neutral Bay 0431 110 220.

    You can look up their website and see if you think it's for you?

    Good luck, hope you find something you like.
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2023
    Hi @IlonaC there is a wig shop on  george street mall in Windsor its called  Blossoms also a wig hire place  in Penrith. https://esteemhairbeautyspa.com.au 
  • gumnut
    gumnut Member Posts: 1,154
    Hi @IlonaC
    I visited the Chiquel wig shop in Bondi junction They had a great range and were lovely xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi @llonaC, I got mine at Windsor many years ago. I think there’s a wig stall in Castle Towers and I’ve also seen wig stalls at Paddy’s Markets in city.I run a support group called Kellyville Breast Buddies and we have wigs from time to time.I think I have blonde short bob wig.You are most welcome to come to our group if you need support
  • IlonaC
    IlonaC Member Posts: 14
    Thanks everyone.
    We found a wig shop in parra and bought wigs
    Then the kids shaved my head and my eldest daughters head in funny styles which was great way to say goodbye to the hair.
    But then I wore the wig yesterday and lasted 2 hour before it irritated me too much and I took it off and went beanie instead... soo much more comfortable now I wonder why I bothered with the wigs at all.
    Another great learning curve through this cancer treatment..

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 979
    great job @IlonaC nice picture too. I had to go on my own to the wig shop my girls had to work. Because my head was tingling even after shaving my head. Though the wig was irritating until the sensation went. I ended up with mostly scarves and hats. There’s plenty of youtube clips on wrapping the scarves. Because my treatment was mainly over summer i wore lots of sun hats of all sorts of styles. Still have a stack of them along with the scarves in my cupboard 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    There’s wigs and wigs. I was recommended a shop (in Melbourne ) that specialises in wigs for cancer and alopecia patients. Staff provided great advice on style, colour and options. My wigs weren’t expensive, were comfortable and light, a snip to look after. I wore them easily. I was of course delighted when my hair grew back but the wigs allowed me to maintain some privacy and helped me through a potentially distressing time. 
  • IlonaC
    IlonaC Member Posts: 14
    Privacy I think is a reason why I wanted the wigs.  I just don't want to get into conversations about my health issues with strangers.
    But I have just been telling people my daughter and I shaved our heads in support of cancer awareness which is part is true and it's stopping the random questions from pleaple
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 979
    @IlonaC i can understand the privacy bit  thats how i felt to start with. But being nearly 7 years down the track and the years slipping by so fast I’m passed caring what others think. If they ask i answer that usually scares them off. 
    As long as you have your support team around you you are your number 1 priority.  your mental as well as physical health is most important. Theres a discussion on here about  things people say. Ive read through it  ages ago