Public vs Private

Bel21 Member Posts: 1
Hi there, 
I am just wondering if there is any out there that is located on the Northern beaches and has been treated at Northern Beaches hospital as a Public patient. Im currently seeing Dr Karen Shaw who is amazing but just wondering what the wait time might be to go public vs Private. First stage would be doing a lumpectomy and then in about 6 weeks ideally a double mastectomy (by choice). The out of pocket already just on visit, scans, bisopsy and MRI is over $2k and then to add all these surgeries on top. But of course if the wait is long  i would need to consider Private


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,296
    edited June 2023
    Welcome to BCNA, @Bel21 .... sorry to see you join our exclusive little group - but we'll do our best to support you thru your active treatment & after. xx. Whack up any question you may have (there are no silly questions) .. and you'll get informed answers by those who've 'been there, done that'.

    I've not experienced the Northern Beaches hospital (tho grew up in the area, decades ago!)   I went private for my surgery and public for both rads & Tabs (Rad Onc and Medical Onc.)  Your Surgeon may well work in BOTH systems (many do) - so ask her next time you see her .... Wth a bit of luck, you may be able to do the initial surgery as private, just to get it OVER WITH, then swap (with her) to public for the double (if you go ahead with it) and ongoing treatments, if needed.  Just for my surgery & various other gaps, I was out of pocket well over $5000 (and for some unknown reason, $500 worth of pathology wasn't paid by medicare & I had a gap of $105 just today for a bone scan there are many other 'gaps' along the way as well, whether you are public or private! ) It all adds up over time tho - and as you get older & your income may reduce to a pension .... it CAN affect your ongoing purchasing power too .....  :( 

    For a brief run down on the Forum & bits on preparing for surgery etc, jump onto this thread for a heap of info!  We have lots of informative & serious threads, as well as some funny ones, and bits on art & craft, pets & a heap of other topics .... feel free to add to any of them, or start your own thread within any of them!

    Take care & all the best xx

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