Hi I"m new to this site....

Hi everyone, I'm Amy and have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, I'm booked in for surgery on the 9th of Feb and would love any comments or to chat to ANYONE who has had reconstruction (tissue expanders) then had radiation.....cheers : )
Hi Amy
I don't have tissue expanders but I have a silicone implant ( I had skin sparing mast. & immed. recon. & rads wasn't on the cards then!! ) & I have just started radiation (no. 5 today) I am quietly freaking about my implant & the risk of contracture. My Rad. Onc has given me some articles to read & we will discuss them today. I know there is not much to be done to lessen the risk.......I think the only thing is she has stretched the radiation out over 28 days instead of 25 days (slightly lower dose each day, same total at the end). I still have a bit of pain across the chest & armpit so I continue to do physio a couple of times a day & figure it surely is better to keep everything as "loose" as possible. I will be curious to here what advice you are given for radiation. Good luck with your surgery.
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Hi Amy,
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis but on the upside you are now apart of the most caring and supportive network of ladies you could ever dream about. I have made some beautiful friendships through breast cancer that are life long bonds now.
I had bilateral mastectomies with immediate reconstruction using tissue expanders and silicone implants. I did not have radiation though.
I have had my expanders exchanged for implants and am now waiting for a nipple reconstruction.
Have you contacted Zonta International and been sent your free comfort cushion yet?? If not call them as they send you a cushion to put under your arm after surgery and it really is a blessing for your pain.
If you have any questions regarding the tissue expanders please ask. I donot want to overload you with everything i have to say on them now!! I know though that you will be happy with the end result if its anything like mine has turned out.
One tip i learnt through experience though, after your surgery make sure you do the exercises that the physio sets you. It may hurt and feel stupid exercising your arms after surgery but it is very important.
What hospital will your opperation be in? I wish you all the best. Danielle xx