Delayed DIEP reconstruction

Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
Hi there 
I saw breast surgeon 2 weeks ago who told me I was a candidate for DIEP reconstruction after double mastectomy. As this is a second cancer in other breast I just want them gone.
I had to see plastic surgeon last week. Who wants it done in 2 surgeries. First the mastectomy leaving a flap of skin at bottom of each breast then 2-3 months later after healing the DIEP flap reconstruction he said he would use the flap of skin that is left to start the reconstruction.. I’m so confused as to why he kept talking about my right breast that had had radiation 6 years prior.. then proceeded to say I had a little too much upper stomach fat and to lose 7 kilos before the surgery. I’m 75 kilos and a BMI of 27. I asked how do I lose it just there in upper stomach.. His offsider said you will lose 3-4 kilos after your breasts come off.. I said that doesn’t make me feel better he wants it off my stomach.. I’m so deflated I don’t think they can fit me in for surgery before Xmas so if I get done early January it will be 2 months the tumour has been growing. Anyone had a similar story with delayed reconstruction? X


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @Pammy46
    My story is bit exactly the same as yours but here it is anyway.
    I started with  cancer in my left breast , had skin soaring mastectomy with insertion of tissue expander with a view to having a single DIEP flap surgery down the track as due to the size of my tumour the feeling was I would be recommended radiotherapy.
    I did end up having g radiotherapy and my plastic surgeon wanted to wait at least 6 months after that was completed before doing the DIEP surgery.
    I then decided ( long story!) to have the right breast removed as well and have the DIEP flap surgery on both breasts.That was 8 months after the completion of the radiotherapy.
    The results are good ( I am now 16 months post that second surgery).
    I also took the opportunity to lose some weight I had put on over the years ( my body type it mainly goes to my tummy not my bottom) - I lost 10 kilos ( went from 78 to 68) .
    I did this because I was told if zi lost weight after the DIEP my new boobs would shrink and as I was going from
     an E cup ( up from a D due to weight gain) to a C cup I didn’t want to go any smaller.
    I still had enough tummy fat for the C cups.
    I have kept the weight off through exercise and being careful about what so eat - I got rid of a lot of processed food and ramped up the fresh fruit and vegetables.
    All the best with your journey .
    I had my mastectomy 6 weeks from the date of diagnosis - My surgeon said that was ok as it was very slow growing but I was pretty relieved to have it out!
  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    Hi @Julez1958
    thank you for reply.. Makes sense I am an F cup and wanting a C as well he wants me 68 as well he just didn’t explain any of that to me last week and left me feeling confused. My radiation was 6 years ago so not sure why he’s worried about that side.. yes I want mine out to as I can feel it there and just hate it.. my surgeon said it’s small 2 c/m so for me not to panic but just can’t help thinking about it in there for that long.. I have appointment with breast surgeon tomorrow afternoon so hopefully he can explain better what the plastic surgeon couldn’t x
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Yes some Drs are great at communicating and others not so great .
    Both my breast cancer surgeon and plastic surgeon have a great bedside manner and made the high anxiety a little less than it would otherwise be.
    Take care 🌺
  • Rowey
    Rowey Member Posts: 38
    I had a mastectomy in July this year. Reconstruction options were discussed at the time but I was assured that that could wait if I preferred. As it was unknown if I needed radiotherapy ( which I was informed can effect reconstruction at the time), I decided just to opt for mastectomy to get rid of the tumour and make other decisions when I knew what I was facing in terms of treatment. My thoughts were to just concentrate on one thing at a time. I have just booked in for DIEP flap reconstruction because I feel now is the right time to make that decision. I did have skin saving surgery initially. I guess the main thing for me was that you don’t need to make all decisions at once. Having waited, I don’t need a tissue expander either which I didn’t really want. Best of luck to you