July Content Round-Up

Hi members,
I hope you have all had a great month!
Please find the content round-up below
for July.
As always, we’d love to hear what topics you want to hear about!
Please send me an email acox@bcna.org.au – I’d
love to hear from you 😊
Episode 45: In conversation with Harry and Pieter: Raising
awareness for men with breast cancer
Joining us for this In
Conversation episode
are Harry and Pieter. Harry was diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2005 and
had chemotherapy, after which he was cancer-free. In 2018, at a routine
appointment with his GP, he had a series of blood tests, and his cancer was
found to have returned. Harry was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at
that time. Pieter was diagnosed with triple-positive grade 3 breast cancer,
which had spread to a sentinel lymph node, in 2021. He underwent a mastectomy
and axillary node clearance and then started four rounds of chemotherapy. Pieter
lost his wife to breast cancer in 2017.
During this candid conversation between Harry
and Pieter we hear their stories, their initial reaction to their diagnosis,
the biggest challenges they face, who they went to for support and why they
want to help spread awareness of the disease for other men.
Just diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, what’s
We will be hosting a webcast on 11 August.
In this webcast, we will hear from Medical Oncologist
Professor Fran Boyle, Metastatic McGrath Breast Care Nurse Alice Gibson, BCNA
Consumer Representative Ros Casperson and BCNA member Cybele Orton.
The webcast will address what is important to
know in those first few weeks after a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer
including navigating the health system, treatment options, identifying key
members of your treating team, and the support and care available to you.
For more information or to register, visit the
BCNA website.
Information Forum:
In June we hosted an Information Forum in
Launceston. Thank you to those who joined us. The on-demand videos for all presentations
are now available via the BCNA YouTube channel.
Information regarding the next
Information Forum will be available via the BCNA website next week!
Additional resources:
Don’t forget, we have so many
existing webcasts, podcasts and articles on My Journey and in The Beacon that
cover a range of topics. Explore them below!