Wanting to give back to the BCNA community - helping with return to work/interviewing tips/resumes

Shellie Member Posts: 1
Hello, My name is Shellie (44) and I have just joined BCNA (Diagnosed Stage 2 Breast Cancer - have had surgery for tumour and lymph nodes removed already - this was unsuccessful and have started treatment). I love all the posts - they are so helpful and inspiring....thank you for sharing your stories.  I am currently undergoing chemotherapy - I have completed 4 x AC and have 9 more Taxol treatments to go. I have had a rough time with AC however have found some energy again during my weekly Taxol treatments. I have taken time off work this year due to my role being very long hours and incredibly tiring.I wanted to give back as much as I can this year to anyone who might have finished treatment and is looking to go back to work/make a career change/update their resume etc. I am a qualified organisational coach and have lots of experience in the people space. I am happy to help virtually 1-2 days a week (for free of course) if anyone feels it might be useful for me to help them prepare for an interview, fix their resume or review their linkedin with them. Feel free to reach out if I can help in any way. Thank you :)


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @Shellie.  That is a very inspired and kind offer.  I am sure you will be a great help to some ladies.  Good for you, too, to keep your brain active.  All the best as you move forward and eventually return to your own job.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    How wonderful to offer this @Shellie. I am sure it would be most appreciated to anyone who may be looking for work. In my working days I was fortunate to work with a coach and really appreciated that relationship and help. Such a great opportunity. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Oh what a wonderful gesture!  

    Need to return to work is vital for most however fatigue and lack of confidence hits after the trauma of diagnosis and treatment.   

    On the back of your post I thought I would add this link from the BCNA website 


    and another on managing fatigue 


    Best wishes with your ongoing treatment 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    That’s a lovely idea.
    Take care.
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    hi @Shellie,
    Just wanted to say to you what an amazing offer,I am sure there will be ladies out there who will get in contact with you, I am 66 so a bit past it and several years retired,dont over do it and make sure you take plenty of time out for your self.
