Will hair grow back while on Herceptin alone?

Christabel03 Member Posts: 80
Good Evening everyone, 
I have completed four rounds of AC causing me to lose all my hair, and am just coming to the end of 12 weeks Taxol, Perjeta and Herceptin (thrown in three weekly as well). I have now found out that Herceptin will continue after my surgery in late April and then radio. I have some new looking strands of hair coming back at the moment as my Taxol was reduced and has now been stopped due to neuropathy and other side effects and I am wondering should I be expecting my hair to start to come back while on Herceptin alone? I know we are all different and we will react differently to each treatment etc but I thought perhaps someone may have something to share that might boost my spirits and give me something to look forward to!!


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Mine did! I managed to get through 12 rounds of Taxol (I too had neuropathy) and my hair started growing back while I was still on Taxol, which was a surprise but a good one. Expect the unexpected when your hair grows back - texture and colour may not be what it was before, and may also shift and change! But most end up with something similar to the original in the end. It’s a great time to embrace new looks! Best wishes.  
  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    edited April 2022
    Agree your hair should grow back on herceptin alone. Afrasers comments spot on - I do,have quite a wave now though , whereas pre chemo it was fairly straight 
  • Christabel03
    Christabel03 Member Posts: 80
    Thank you ladies, just what I needed to hear xx 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Be prepared for a bit of frizz, and the colour your hair is when it starts growing back is unlikely to stay! Don’t panic if it’s white! 🙂
  • Christabel03
    Christabel03 Member Posts: 80
    I am hoping for some curl if I am honest ;) I noticed I was quite grey as I cut my hair shorter through the process so was thinking it may grow back white/grey. Not going to complain, I would just be so happy to have some sort of hair at the moment...nose hairs included!!!