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Palbociclib -new side effects from tablets

Traci Member Posts: 4
I have MBC and have been on Palbociclib (Ibrance) and Letrozole for 30 months.  I have tolerated it fairly well aside from some fatigue.  Last month the Ibrance capsules were replaced by tablets.  I have had severe nausea and stomach cramps with dizziness and hot flushing since changing to the tablets.  Has anyone else experienced a change in side effects with a change to the tablets?


  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    @Traci i have found since the switch to the tablets the sudden sweating wasn’t there before. And the dull headache is new 
    the only advantage so far is I don’t have to take it with food. I brunch not brekkie. As I take mine in the morning. I tolerate the flashes better during the day than at night
    good luck with the adjustment  i hope it settles for you and the meds keep doing what they need to do. 
  • Ktre
    Ktre Member Posts: 106
    Hi @Traci and @cranky_granny, I have been on palbo and letrozole since December 21, have noticed a dull headache recently and got a head CT to rule out cancer, no cancer thankfully, hadn't thought about it being the change in meds, just another side effect raising is ugly head, interesting. Hot flushes affect me during day as I also take meds in morning, have learnt to wear thin layers underneath so I can strip of when needed. Haven't noticed much change other than the headache which is quite recent (2 months maybe) so didn't relate it to tablet change. Maybe did get some nausea for a while but it didn't hang around, bone ache getting worse but think that's the letrozole, tiredness sharp a bit worse but think that's the increase of the meds in system over time. How long have you been on the combo and how are you going when it cancer wise, what is your stage IV diagnosis e.g. mine is stage IV to the liver. Nice to chat to people who are on the same meds. 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    Hi @ktre @Traci   I’m on a break from palbo at the moment. Just one round. Giving the body a break and reset Go back on on the 7th May. Ive been stable now for 6 months. Energy levels were too low. It was affecting my work and everything else 
    i have done the morning meds and went back to nights. Reduced my workload to 2 days but couldn’t live off so little money. So back on 3 days. The extra day coupled with the horrible drive to work doesn’t help with my energy level 2 of the days im drained before i start
    my brain scan came back clear also. 
    My lesions are on my sternum, rib and sacrum found small spots in 2019. Watched closely when the markers went up and they continued to increase in size in 2020 I got the AI switched that didn’t work so switched back and added in the palbo. The markers stopped going up but didn’t come down so i sent for targeted radiation on the rib and sacrum this seems to have worked alongside the meds took 6 months but so far so good markers are right down and no additional growth or activity for 9 months
    The various side affects of this combination is mostly tolerable. Headache, bone ache, nausea, and the lethargy is probably the worst part. When the grandkids ask me to play ball games I nearly cry its just impossible. As they’re getting older they are more understanding. 
    The pain from the lesion on my spine never goes away ( pressing on the sciatic nerve) 
    I’m thankful that I so far am not progressing to the next stage of treatment.  
    I live to enjoy another day with my rather large family. 

  • Traci
    Traci Member Posts: 4
    Hi Ktre, I was diagnosed de novo MBC in September 2019 after finding a swollen lymph node in my neck.  I did really well on the Palbo/letrozole combination with all of my (numerous) spinal and lymph Mets disappearing!  I got about 3 years from this combo, including 6 months on a clinical trial with Palbo and a CERAN called OP1250 but had progression.  Am now on Capecitabine (an oral chemo) - about to do my 5th cycle and will have scans soon to see if it’s working. Good luck!  (I live near Geelong!)
  • Ktre
    Ktre Member Posts: 106
    Thanks guys, nice to speak to people who are in similar boat to me, I am in Ballarat and was originally diagnosed in June 21, had mastectomy then found in lymph nodes so auxillary clearance, scans and chemo started, found spots in liver, stayed on chemo to see if spots changed, couldn't do biopsy or surgery so chemo was the only way to determine if it's cancer. Chemo reduced spots so officially diagnosed DEC 21 with metastatic breast cancer to the liver,  started the palbo just after boxing day 21, so been about 1.5 years nearly on palbo and letrozole. So far it's keeping everything at bay. Hoping you both have good results and have a great weekend