Thank you for the lovely birthday messages @gumnut@jennyss@iserbrown@arpie and @June1952. Still well 🤞and enjoying life! Had a great birthday with family! Hoping to set off on a big road trip in a few weeks time now that most borders are open again. Hope that you are all keeping well too! Take care everyone. Deanne xxx 😊❤️
Hey Deanne, I hope you had a special day. I rarely get onto the main forum these days as nearly full time work and the choosing breast reconstruction site keep me busy. It was so lovely to see you are still on the site, I remember you from my very early days well over 10 years ago now. Hope you keeping well.
Thanks @SoldierCrab and @mum2jj. Great to hear from you both and know that you are keeping well too. It will be 9 years in April this year from discovering my ‘dented’ breast. A lot has happened but it just makes me very aware of making the most of any opportunity that pops up. The last couple of years have been challenging for most people and I often think how much extra stress it is for those going through treatment now. Take care and I hope that things get a bit easier soon. Deanne xxx