Allergic to Hypafix tape

Dooby Member Posts: 2
Not sure if anyone can help me, but putting it out there just in case there's someone here who has been in the same boat and has a solution ...

I'm 4 weeks post surgery after a double mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction. I had the gauze mesh covering my wounds removed last week, and was immediately strapped up with Hypafix tape. Unfortunately, I seem to be allergic to the Hypafix tape, and had to take it off after 3 days. It was meant to stay on for another 3 weeks, so I've been looking for a replacement. But I can't find anything that is truely hypoallergenic (although most seem to claim to be hypoallergenic!). I've tried Fixomull and a Micropore paper tape, but had to remove both within 10 minutes. 

My breast care nurse couldn't help, and my surgeon didn't have any other suggestions. Can anyone here offer any help??


  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    I don't have any suggestions regarding another adhesive tape as I'm in the same position as you. The thin glad wrap type square dressing for ports, micropore, elastoplast (both the pink and the white), and others I don't know the name of, I come out in red and blistered skin. Could you perhaps be strapped firmly with crepe bandages, with smooth dressing underneath, (like the surface of those little square or round makeup remover pads), to avoid the crepe bandage leaving a bumpy imprint on your skin. That bandage could then be strapped closed with whatever, as it wouldn't be in contact with your skin?
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    I am the same as you @allyjay and@Dooby,I come out in red weals on my skin, its a nightmare after having blood taken they always want to stick paper tape on me and I have to tell them upfront NO,I dont have any advice but ally jays suggestion of using a crepe bandage over something soft, surely the medical profession must have come across this before,good luck and let us know how you get on, it would benefit people like us who are allergic,
  • Ausmum2
    Ausmum2 Member Posts: 57
    Hi @Dooby
    Can I suggest you get in to see an allergist/dermatologist to find out what you are allergic too exactly. I discovered (almost by accident) that I was anaphylactic to colophony - which is a natural occurring gum/resin (it's a sap) but is generally used extensively in sticking plasters/bandaids and in surgical glues. What this did mean was I was tested out for what dressings I could have (in my case none of the surgical glues but some of the dressings - op site and comfeel being a bit bonus for me along with mepitel film). I'm telling you this as I've been "allergic" (ie had the skin reactions) to dressings for years without knowing it could be so much more but knowing what dressings I can have has made my double mastectomy (and chemo and radio) do-able. 
    Good lucj

  • Dooby
    Dooby Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2021
    Thankyou @Ausmum2, @Wendy55, and @AllyJay. Really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and help. I'll definately see a dermatologist, but in the meantime I've decided to just stop using any tape .... I'm healing very well, so I'm sure it wouldn't have made a huge difference anyway. Wishing you all the best
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    About the only one that doesn't mess me up is Mefix. I knicked a roll of it years ago and use it if I need a dressing.

    Part of the problem is the way some adhesives are applied--far too tight so they pull the skin right from the start.

    Sensitivity to tapes is a bloody nuisance and has caused a few arguments in the past when less than caring staff either don't believe you or decide it will be ok this one time. Mxx