Private Groups in the ONLINE forum

SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
Hi members 

Remember to check in with your private groups as there are new members who would like some feedback and support. 

Let's Talk about Vaginas has several new members.. 

I am sure the other groups do also. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    Thanks for the reminder, @SoldierCrab

    Anyone can join the Carer's Corner if you are looking after your partner, child, parents (or have looked after someone who may have passed away) .... we are not 'that active' but would appreciate any knowledge that anyone has re working out 'the system' when you are a carer. xx  

    Breast Cancer, Childlessness and Us - if you don't have kids, feel free to jump in on this one too!!

    I try & add info to the ILC (Invasive Lobular Cancer) Group when I find new stuff in any of my 'feeds'  .....