Scar tissue 4yrs post Op with pain

Hillview Member Posts: 4 New Member
Has anyone been diagnosed with Scar Tissue from a Lumpectomy?  I have..  4 years Post Op but my surgeon wants to operate to remove it..  I am doubting if this is necessary?


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    Hi @Hillview - welcome to the club that no-one really wanted to join!    

    Can you feel the scar tissue yourself, or did it show up on a Mammogram or ultrasound?   I had a lumpectomy and my 1st year mammogram & US it showed 'something' that they were unsure of - so they did a biopsy on it and it was some sort of "hypoechoic fat necrosis tissue'' .... and was nothing to worry about - so I assume it is still there.

    Have they done a Biopsy on it?  If not, you could request one - and secondly - you could ask for a 2nd opinion if you have access to another breast surgeon nearby.

    Feel free to tell us a bit more about yourself & what surgery & treatment you had .... you can also add your 'town/city' in your Profile (so it shows near your name.) Some members may even be living nearby & if you wanted to, when covid 'friendly', could meet up with them for a coffee & chat ..... 

    take care & I hope you are able to resolve your concerns .....  xx

  • noosa_blue150
    noosa_blue150 Member Posts: 212
    Did the surgeon specify why he feels,need to operate again ?
    was it concern about whether it’s actually scar tissue or perhaps,a recurrence or is there a cosmetic / pain reason?

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Scar tissue is problematic. It can disguise more sinister developments as well as being physically painful. Removing it seems counterintuitive if the same issue is going to recur. I had some success with low level laser therapy a few years ago, but the results have not been fantastic.
    If your surgeon wants it gone I'd listen to them, but get a full rundown on the risks, benefits and rationale for your own peace of mind.
  • Hillview
    Hillview Member Posts: 4 New Member
    Hi all and thanks for your comments, very much appreciated...
    Yes i did have my yearly mammograms & Ultrasounds.. they then recommended a biopsy, because a 4ml lump was found at the same spot where the last tumour - a ductal carcinoma, was removed.
    Biopsy was a 3 sample Core biopsy taken at different angles according to the doctor who performed it and he actually stated that he was quite confident it was just Scar tissue.  
    I got a text msg from my GP a few days later stating it was just scar tissue found from the biopsy & I was So Happy & relieved!!  Then, a few days later my Surgeon called saying she wants me to come in. .... So, when i went in to see her she examined me and said that she is not too sure and she would like to take it Out ( Surgery ) and put it under a microscope to just make sure...One hundred percent that it is in fact just scar tissue and not a return of disease...
    I stated i did not want that to happen because last time i had the surgery - 4 yrs ago, my whole breast turned BLACK and i was in agony for many weeks.  So, she said the only other option was to have an MRI - cost $700 and another Ultrasound and has put on the pathology form instructions for them to do another Biopsy if they think is necessary!
    My breast is still tender & slightly bruised from the one i had 3 weeks ago.  She wants me to do it ASAP and has made another appointment for me to see her in 2 weeks after its all done, but i'm very hesitant to make the appointment to have all these new tests.  I think she may be being  Overcautious ..??  What does everyone else think???  

  • Hillview
    Hillview Member Posts: 4 New Member
    After my first surgery 4 years ago, i had a lymph node removed which showed all clear and 18 hits of radiation. 
    Arpie - Yes i can feel the lump, it's the size of a Pea but slightly elongated - about half a centimetre..
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Sorry to hear you are in this predicament however your medical team is the one to have faith in.
    We all have differing situations and experiences.   The clincher for you is a pea shaped lump......I wouldn't wait 

    Take care
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    edited July 2021
    Yes, my biopsy was more painful than my actual surgery .... but they DID have about 5 shots at it to make sure they got enough tissue from different angles, which was good, I guess.

    Have you had other scar issues previously (eg when you cut yourself?
    Do they turn keloid/raised and remain red?)

    it sounds like your surgeon is really quite concerned about it - and she wouldn’t put you under the knife without good reason ... were your 100% margins clear in the first surgery?  

    It’s a tricky one.  If there is the slightest chance it could turn ‘ugly’ ....personally, I’d get it out.  It could also muck with your brain  if you leave it there.
  • Lythe
    Lythe Member Posts: 70
    I would opt to get it out. The surgeons are very skilled at what they do and wouldn’t operate unless they thought there was a risk. I know the surgery is painful but it’s better than facing an advanced recurrence. I hope things go well for you, whatever you decide to do xx
  • Hillview
    Hillview Member Posts: 4 New Member
    I have booked in to have a breast MRI & another ultrasound with another Biopsy -  if they think required next Thursday.
    That's the option my surgeon gave me if i preferred to not have the surgery as a first choice...  Will see what turns up...