BlackWidow Member Posts: 268
Due to circumstances I have joined some of the available more private groups but I am a bit sad that whilst they have several members people do not seem to be checking in on them and supporting each other.  BCNA, are these groups worth having if members do not bother to be part of them or is this just that they join then forget about them ? I have read some interesting/distressing posts but no-one seems to read and respond. Come on members, please support each other if you are a member of a group.  Thank you all.


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    It’s true, a lot of ppl don’t respond. There could be a number of reasons, such as people not knowing what to say, or members simply moving on with life and not logging in regularly. Either way, it’s not very helpful, as you said. I’m not sure there’s a solution online, but it might help if women have a face to face support group as well, where they’ll most definitely get help. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    edited June 2021
    @BlackWidow  - IT currently doesn't seem to have automatic 'notifications' to group posts (unlike PMs and regular threads which advises you if a post has been made on a thread you've either started or commented on.)  

    The Mods are working on 'something' re notifications to all group members and specifically people who've been active on the thread. In recent days, I've been 'seeing some' notifications in the 'globe' next to your user name ..... but not all of them.

    If the groups are to survive & be productive, they really NEED to be notified of ANY reply or new post ..... I see that in some groups, it is often the person's first ever post - and that's it - they aren't replied to and they don't bother putting up any more posts.

    I now try to check the groups at least once a day ..... to prevent any distressing posts being  missed. 

    And just be aware that not ALL the groups as 'private' - which means they can be seen by ANY member of the public ..... you may want to check which ones .... I've advised the Mods of 2 that I believe SHOULD be private .... matter of fact, I think ALL groups should be private ..... posts can be made both in the public forum AND the private group if you believe it will benefit those not in the group  .... 

    take care xx
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @arpie
    I will let Anne know in case she misses your response.  I also did not realize that the groups are still public.  Perhaps that is why members are not using them ?  To think anyone can read some posts is frightening and not fair to the members.
    I am not sure what you mean by your 2nd paragraph and I don't think she gets any notifications anyway.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    edited June 2021
    @June1952 - only some of the groups are still viewable by the general public (not just forum members or members of the group) .... including Young Women & Christians & ILC .... I really think they should be100% private .... only then, can you speak fully & frankly.  It is easy to duplicate posts if you want it in the public forum as well - just not the responses. ;) 

     re the 2nd paragraph .... I've contacted the mods re not being notified of posts a couple of times over the last 12 months or so - most recently last week & they are discussing it with the managers ... so I hope they get onto IT to do something about it as it is contributing to the demise of the groups - or distress, when member's posts are not answered.  It is very interesting that I am now 'seeing' notification of 'some' group posts, but not all of the 3 groups I am in.

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    hi Blackwidow I check in with the groups I help moderate Christians and lets talk about vagina several times per week and like arpie stated it is hard when we dont get a notification about the group... Life means that for some they have moved on with life and are busy again. 

  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    edited June 2021
    Oh thanks for the prompt, I didn’t realise I had to go and look for the group posts separately to the main feed