Our hearts and thoughts are with our Victorian sisters as they battle the weather and Lockdown

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Wishing all our Vic members a safe day today as most of Vic is hit with massive rain & flooding & 200,000 homes are without power in these freezing cold conditions.


Thanks for thinking of us!
Sure was a shocker of a night!
Haven't walked the garden yet but from the window I can see a tree down, Howitti (Sticky Wattle). The tree is in excess of 30 years old. It's across the driveway so we'll be busy with the chainsaw
Best wishes3 -
Our area has been lucky - almost no rain, power still on and half a dozen palm fronds down! Much worse further north, some homes very badly damaged. Still very windy though.1
Wishing you guys warmth and nice sunny weather soon ☀️🤞🍀💟0
Thank you for the kind thoughts. These are bad times. Personally we have been lucky and escaped storm damage but gee, it is cold ! The heating is on, the day is overcast and wet. Glad we do not have to go out until tomorrow. My friend in Gippsland has the power out from last night at 7.30 and it is not expected to be on until the 13th.1
We had power out last night at 8.45pm just as I put a cheesecake in the oven. Had to put it in the fridge. Power came back on at 3.00am. Made cheesecake first thing this morning. Had a glass of red wine via candlelight listening to music on phone. Was kinda like a date night. Very Windy and rained all night. Not too much garden damage but quite a few things blown around the back yard.5
@iserbrown, @June1952, @Locksley (not the birthday present you wanted, eh?)
I hope things are better this evening ...... a friend at Briagalong (near Bairnsdale) lost power but didn't have any flooding but being on a properyy, had a generator .....
I can only imagine how cold it would be too - it is bad enough here!
Take care everyone & DON'T DRIVE THRU FLOODED WATERS!!
I hope your buddies get their power back before the 13th @June1952.
3 -
Take care everyone.1
I'm coming to your place for wine and cheesecake @Locksley Two of my favourite things.
We didn't lose power here but it's been bitter cold and uncomfortabley damp. I wanna know why this lockdown thing always seems to happen in winter (I know that's not true) My elderly home would get about two stars if it was being energy rated. Well over sitting in a freezing lounge room doing something better suited to an air-conditioned office.2