hey sisters!

I'm new to all this and trying to negotiate my way through.
I was have just had a radical mastectomy and an axillay clearance and would love to talk to anyone who's gone through this.....it's so painful and scary.
I am fairly new to this also. I just had a lumpectomy and full axillary clearance. I know how scary and painful it is. Have you received your pathology results yet? I have just received mine and even though I have to go back for more surgery and had a lot of nodes involved, at least I know what I am dealing with. You will get through it, taking each day as it comes. The pain from surgery does get better, although having a drain can be a source of discomfort. I still have mine 13 days after my surgery. Take care of yourself and jump on this site every time you feel lonely. The ladies here are so caring.
Take care.
Jo xx
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I am fairly new to this also. I just had a lumpectomy and full axillary clearance. I know how scary and painful it is. Have you received your pathology results yet? I have just received mine and even though I have to go back for more surgery and had a lot of nodes involved, at least I know what I am dealing with. You will get through it, taking each day as it comes. The pain from surgery does get better, although having a drain can be a source of discomfort. I still have mine 13 days after my surgery. Take care of yourself and jump on this site every time you feel lonely. The ladies here are so caring.
Take care.
Jo xx
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hey Jo,
thanks sooo much for answering xx. My radical mastectomy really doesn't cause me much grief but the ax cl does. i too went in for one op, mast and sentinal node then got the news had to go back for the ax clearance. 2 op knocks you about a bit but hang in there mate. doesn't it seem like we're on a rollercoaster. i've had my body scans this week and both clear, dosen't seem to have gone anywhere else. Thank God. I'm starting chem, radio and hormone blocking Jan 10th. at least i'm getting Christmas.
After my first op Jo i had my drains in for 14 days and thought that was awful, i feel for you having them in sooo long too. i would always forget about them and they'd drop....it would nearly make me faint.
you and i are in the same boat for that lymphoedema, boy! was that a shock when the OT explained the seriousness of that complication. Have you been to the ocupational therapist about that yet? i saw mine on wednesday.
i know im rambling mate but its just so good to talk to someone who understands.
TC (take care)
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Hi Ladies, I too have had the surgery you are describing but mine was just over 3 years ago now. So far i have not suffered with lymphoedema but I make sure i do my arm exercises twice a day as was shown to me in hospital. I also rub Vaseline Dry Skin Conditioning Lotion into my scars daily and don't use deodorant under that arm as it makes the skin feel funny. I also don't perspire under that arm anymore or need to shave there as the hair doesn't grow there since the radium. I had a left breast mastectomy and sentinal node biopsy which showed a tiny bit of cancer in 1 or the 4 nodes taken. I then had to go back the next week and have a further 12 removed but all were clear. I had a stage 2 Lobular carcinoma highly estrogen receptive which was very close to the chest wall so I had to have radiotherapy as well as chemo. I am now on Femara after taking Tamoxifen for 1 year. So far all is ok and I consider i am pretty lucky compared to some who have fared much worse than me with side effects from chemo and drugs. I wish you both well with your treatments. If I can be of any assistance with questions you might have don't hesitate to contact me. Take Care Jillxxx
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Hello Rowie
Sorry you have also been thrown onto this rollercoaster called Cancer, there is a lot of ups and downs on this journey so hang in there and take it one step at a time. It is a scary ride but remember you are not alone, we are all here to offer words of encouragement and support. Try and enjoy your christmas, family and friends. Kathryne XX
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Hi Rowie, When I had my breast off in October 2008, the breast care nurse told me I could say goodbye to my good health. The lady from the cancer council scared me with facts on lymphodema eg. she said I would never be able to go grocery shopping alone and lift grocery bags. After my chemo finished in March 2009 i returned to my catering work and started to get back to a normal life. When i lifted I put the bulk of the weight on my good side. In June this year i went to the physio I had seen after my surgery because my neck and shoulders were out. She told me to lift as normal and was surprised that after almost 3 years I was still doing my arm exercises. I very rarely massage my arm as most of the time it feels normal although numb to touch in parts and now I use it normally and it has been fine. I use Dove Soap only, in the shower. I think we are bombarded with information when we are given the devastating news and l must say i was not very receptive at the time, but as time goes on we work our way through the info and find what works for us.
Take care, jill xx
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Hi Rowie, When I had my breast off in October 2008, the breast care nurse told me I could say goodbye to my good health. The lady from the cancer council scared me with facts on lymphodema eg. she said I would never be able to go grocery shopping alone and lift grocery bags. After my chemo finished in March 2009 i returned to my catering work and started to get back to a normal life. When i lifted I put the bulk of the weight on my good side. In June this year i went to the physio I had seen after my surgery because my neck and shoulders were out. She told me to lift as normal and was surprised that after almost 3 years I was still doing my arm exercises. I very rarely massage my arm as most of the time it feels normal although numb to touch in parts and now I use it normally and it has been fine. I use Dove Soap only, in the shower. I think we are bombarded with information when we are given the devastating news and l must say i was not very receptive at the time, but as time goes on we work our way through the info and find what works for us.
Take care, jill xx
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Hi girls
I am with you. I had my first surgery 20/121/11 of wide excision and sentinel node biopsy to be told nodes were clear. Then at post op appt I was informed not enough clearance around the lump/tumor/cancer that was bigger than they thought and minute in the nodes (which I was told were clear but very glad they did further testing) I am waiting on my post op appt for the end of January but I have previously been told I will be having chemo and then radiotherapy. One of my main dramas after having had the drain taken out today (day 7) is DEODORANT!!! We are suffering a heat wave here in W.A. and I NEED to wear deodorant so any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated. I have read somewhere Baking Soda but haven't read anything conclusive about it. Can anyone help.
P.S. I haven't started to winge toooooo much yet but I am sure I will shortly down the track so be ready girls.
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Hi Michx,
guess what? I'm from Perth too but have lived in Sydney near on 30 years now. I still have friends and relos there. Now the best deodorant I've found that's ok to use is QV (ego) it's called 'naked' , it's fragrance free, aluminium free and alcohol free but gives great protection. it doesn't have a scent though but you'll have perfume on i guess for that. As you know I've had a rad mast and all my nodes out after 2 ops. it's been hell but i'm recoved now and getting on with life, for which I'm grateful. I've had my first round of chemo...yuk ...yuk ...and yuk. I've been crook for 2 weeks and on my 3rd week now I'm great, back to normal. Ready to start my second round on Tuesday
You just have to do it I guess, lots of strong, brave and beautiful women are going through this. good luck mate, let us know how you go and if there is anything we can help with and if you want to whinge go right ahead.
TC (take care)
Rowie x
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Hi Rowie and girls
Thanks for the tip about the deodorant Rowie I will see if I can find it in the Pharmacies over here. I am in Perth at present and originally from Perth but have been living just south of Geraldton for last 3 years on the coast. I am just down in Perth for the surgery plus scans and post op appt then I think I will be returning home and do the chemo in Geraldton (that is the plan anyway at present).
I have been told that Bio Oil is very good for scars??? Anyone know of this and if it is good??
The home nurse came today to discharge me after having drain removed but it is all quite swollen so going to go in to the breast centre and get it drained.
I am definitey not looking forward to having to go through chemo with the sickness and hair loss down the track but I have survived two lots of surgery and scans and a drain so I will just get ready for the next step........
Thanks for the advice so far and it is wonderful to have this support available as near as the internet.
Take care and LOL
Mich x
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Hi Mich ,
Yes bio oil is very good and I was given some after surgery but was advised to only use sorbolene E incase of any reactions to the bio. So I still have it sitting here and I think after my radiation I might find out if I can use it.
My closest friends come to my house and cut/shaved my hair. We took photos and all had a good cry. After that I was fine with it, it's much easier to manage shaved.
all the best
rowie xx
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Hi Rowie and crew out there
Thanks about advice on bio Oil.
Do you have a McGrath breast Centre in your area that you can call and speak to a breast nurse to ask any of the questions you have about exercise etc....
I have been in contact with both the breast nurse through the McGrath Centre and at the hospital I had surgery at and they are there for you and will answer any questions you have. Sometimes I have had to leave a message and they will call back.
One question that I have still and will ask when I go back to my post op at end of month. Why don't they just remove all the lymph nodes in the first surgery rather than putting you through the trauma of the second surgery. It is very hard on your body and your family to go through two lots of surgery in such a short period of time. My work has very much had to go on hold. Pretty much my whole life has gone on hold for however long this journey is going to take I am guessing.
I need to stay positive and say I have endured and survived 2 surgeries, bone and CT SCAN which I did find quite difficult plus the lovely drain mmmmmm (our hospital will only leave the drain in up to 7 days maximum so I was so lucky there as I was definitely over carrying my lil bag around by that time so I feel very sorry for anyone who has to carry it any longer, it reminds me of having a lil puppy on a lead with you 24 hours a day when you shower, toilet, walk and so on. I kept looking for it for the day after I had it removed so that was a strange feeling.
I guess I am to count myself very lucky as there is so many people out there at loss worse off than me but doesn't stop me having a winge.
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Hi Rowie and crew out there
Thanks about advice on bio Oil.
Do you have a McGrath breast Centre in your area that you can call and speak to a breast nurse to ask any of the questions you have about exercise etc....
I have been in contact with both the breast nurse through the McGrath Centre and at the hospital I had surgery at and they are there for you and will answer any questions you have. Sometimes I have had to leave a message and they will call back.
One question that I have still and will ask when I go back to my post op at end of month. Why don't they just remove all the lymph nodes in the first surgery rather than putting you through the trauma of the second surgery. It is very hard on your body and your family to go through two lots of surgery in such a short period of time. My work has very much had to go on hold. Pretty much my whole life has gone on hold for however long this journey is going to take I am guessing.
I need to stay positive and say I have endured and survived 2 surgeries, bone and CT SCAN which I did find quite difficult plus the lovely drain mmmmmm (our hospital will only leave the drain in up to 7 days maximum so I was so lucky there as I was definitely over carrying my lil bag around by that time so I feel very sorry for anyone who has to carry it any longer, it reminds me of having a lil puppy on a lead with you 24 hours a day when you shower, toilet, walk and so on. I kept looking for it for the day after I had it removed so that was a strange feeling.
I guess I am to count myself very lucky as there is so many people out there at loss worse off than me but doesn't stop me having a winge.