TNBC diagnosis - pregnancy related

Katestaf Member Posts: 2
edited February 2021 in General discussion
Hi everyone. 
I was diagnosed 11 November 2020 with TNBC, 10cm tumor in my right breast, no lymph node spread. Specialist says that if it was graded it would be between a 2 & 3.
I was 36 weeks pregnant when I noticed the small lump, which would have been in May. My baby girl was born early July. Didn’t think anything of it until it became uncomfortable due to its rapid growth. I breast feed my baby until I had to start chemo on 25 November.

Just wondering if anyone out there has had the chemo, surgery and then radiation?

I’ve had my second last chemo today and surgery is set for end March. It will be a mastectomy and an expander inserted under the pectoral muscle. Implant will be at least 6 months after this. Oncologist said there may be follow up chemo tablets after the radiation dependent on the pathology etc at time of surgery. 

Just wondering if anyone out there has a similar story?


  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Welcome kathstaf
    Sorry that you have had to join ...
    See quick links and perhaps join the group called...young women with breast cancer
    Lots of help from warm hearts here
    All the best
    Bright in hope
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Welcome @kathstaf Pretty hard stuff to get your head around.  I had the more traditional surgery-chemo-rads but there's plenty of women who have chemo first to shrink the tumour.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    @kathstaf I had chemo prior to my mastectomy. The bonus side of doing it this way? The extensive biopsy on your removed breast shows whether chemo worked or not. My cancer cells were all dead. Nada. Not a living one in my breast but two micro spots in my lymph nodes. It made it feel all worth it.
  • RiotAtMidnight
    RiotAtMidnight Member Posts: 35
    Hi @Katestaf. I don’t have the same situation, but a close friend was diagnosed with different cancer last year at 38 weeks pregnant. She connected with a charity called “Mummy’s Wish” and said there are some good discussion boards for mums of infants. I hope that might be helpful?