@gumnut@jennyss@Dory65@iserbrown@poodlejules@Sister Hello lovely ladies & thankyou so much for my special birthday greetings! What a wonderful surprise & your messages & pics warmed my heart. I havent posted for so long. I got a promotion at work, which I am very blessed & lucky to have got, especially when so many are struggling at this time BUT, it has found me lacking in spare time!!!!!! I hope to soon settle into a routine & find time to get onboard again as I do miss the friendships & support that we all give each other. Just because you havent heard from me in a while, you gorgeous ladies are never far from my mind & I think of you often & hope you are all going well & staying strong. You all mean so much to me & hold a special place in my heart so I promise to get more organised & start "posting" again! love & hugs to you all & thankyou for thinking of me xxxx
@poodlejules Thanks so much! Yes, Im very lucky. I now get to walk to work each day instead of driving over an hour plus job security. Very lucky girl am I!!