Med shortage thread

Member Posts: 254 ✭
Given the current climate I thought we should start a thread so people can post if they are having difficulty getting any BC specific meds and their location to help others trying to track them down.
Had a 6 month appt with my onc on tues and neither onc nor CNC said Zoladex or Femara were currently an issue and they feel both are common enough that Oz will have a good supply.
For reference Femara is made in Switzerland and Zoladex in UK.
I am on Gold Coast and filled a repeat last week with no indication of supply chain issues.
Thank you @youngdogmum this is a great idea. Supply chain issues haven’t hit for me med wise but for a compression sleeve, still on back order after 3 weeks- no one seems to know why.1
I am in Sydney & filled my Femara script last week along with blood pressure medication. I got 2 months supply of each which is what I normally do but I think as of now they are only allowing one. @Tinks, I received 2 compression sleeves last week which took 5 weeks to arrive!2
I'm in the eastern burbs of Melbourne and haven't been able to track down Genox 20mg or 10mg for about a month. Have either visited or rung around 20+ pharmacies. One on Monday said they were due for a delivery this week but it didn't end up coming through, boo. I have two days supply left so will have to bite the bullet and try another brand
Online stuff is sold out everywhere too. ARGGGGGG!