Male Breast Cancer

PeterB Member Posts: 65
edited August 2019 in General discussion
A question to BCNA. After my previous comments and contact direct from Giovanna re MBC and my request for INCLUSION. What is BCNA doing for MBC in October, other than dedicating one day in the month.
BCNA you have my contact details, will wait to hear from you.


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    I agree with PeterB what is happening about inclusion 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838

    Hello @PeterB

    We are launching another video with Rob Fincher aimed
    specifically at men. He asked that this video be launched on Male Breast Cancer Day so
    we will be doing this. All our communications and activities in October will be
    inclusive of men. We are holding an early and metastatic breast cancer forum on
    the Gold Coast on the 12th and 13th and will be streaming
    the metastatic breast cancer forum. This is looking like a great program and
    relevant for all.

    We will keep you updated with our October
    activities as we get closer to the month. If
    you have any questions or feedback @PeterB, as always, please give us a call on 1800 500 258.

    I also wanted to share with you and the online community a post that I added in the
    men’s group as you may all be interested in the other videos we have recently
    produced with Rob and John starring.

    'I just wanted to highlight a couple
    of videos and some recent promotion of the men's  online group with you

    Robs story - one man’s breast cancer journey click here

    John and his breast
    friends.  John was diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2016. We
    invited him to share his story and the importance of support and 'breast
    click here

    We also had some recent promotion of the 'Men living with breast cancer' online
    group in our recent breast cancer network news that was sent out nationally to
    over 120,000 BCNA members and nearly 2000 health professional 
    click here'

    regards Giovanna