Hello there

Hi all. This is my first blog. I had a partial mastectomy a couple of weeks ago but didn't get clear margins so now to have full mastectomy in a couple of weeks as well as all lymph nodes out. I am fine with this but family all wonder why I am not a blubbering mess but I don't really have any feelings atm. Just doing what has to be done. x
Hi Bombie,
I've been 12 months on the cancer continuum and like you I've done what had to be done. I've had chemo followed by mastectomy with lymph node removal followed by radiation followed by more radiation for skin mets followed by more chemotherapy.
I have never cried on my behalf and have never been a blubbering mess. I knew I could opt out of treatment at any stage but I chose to continue and this has given me a sense of being in control. I've never had any negative feelings just an acceptance that this was now part of my life and I had to deal with it before I could get on with living.
We all react in different ways according to our past experiences, belief systems etc. this is what makes us human!
With love
Joy K
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Hi Bombie,
I've been 12 months on the cancer continuum and like you I've done what had to be done. I've had chemo followed by mastectomy with lymph node removal followed by radiation followed by more radiation for skin mets followed by more chemotherapy.
I have never cried on my behalf and have never been a blubbering mess. I knew I could opt out of treatment at any stage but I chose to continue and this has given me a sense of being in control. I've never had any negative feelings just an acceptance that this was now part of my life and I had to deal with it before I could get on with living.
We all react in different ways according to our past experiences, belief systems etc. this is what makes us human!
With love
Joy K
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You are in "battle"mode at the moment.We tend to stay strong while we are going through the surgery.I found that the "blubbering moments"came later and when I least expected them.There is no right or wrong way to react to a breast cancer diagnosis.Lots of support and info on this site so blog away.
Tonya xx
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Hi all. It's been a long time since I last blogged. Things have gone a bit downhill. Had to go back and have a full mastectomy and aux clearance. That all went well apart from arm still feeling numb and weird. I have since gone to my Oncologist to discuss chemo and she organised for me to have a CT scan as part of the pre chemo testing and this has shown up that there are lesions on my liver so have just had an MRI to find out more. Seems like it has travelled to my liver though. I have also had my first chemo treatment and have had many tears since. I am wondering why a CT scan is not done at the beginning with the bone scan to see if the cancer has spread?? Is this the norm?
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So sorry you have had such a difficult time.It's the news that none of us want to hear.When I first got breast cancer(2003) it was classed as early and it hadn't gone to any lymph nodes.So I didn't have any body or bone scans.However,when I had a recurrence in the same breast 7 years later,then I was sent for body scans and chemo.Did you have any cancer cells in your lymph nodes?If you didn't then that maybe why you weren't initially ordered these scans.I guess you are waiting on the MRI results?The waiting does your head in for sure.There is always the possibility that your liver is ok but if not then it is treatable.Gain strength from the many women on this site who have been living with secondaries for many years. I know this must be such a scary time for you so come back to this site for support.
Tonya xx
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So sorry you have had such a difficult time.It's the news that none of us want to hear.When I first got breast cancer(2003) it was classed as early and it hadn't gone to any lymph nodes.So I didn't have any body or bone scans.However,when I had a recurrence in the same breast 7 years later,then I was sent for body scans and chemo.Did you have any cancer cells in your lymph nodes?If you didn't then that maybe why you weren't initially ordered these scans.I guess you are waiting on the MRI results?The waiting does your head in for sure.There is always the possibility that your liver is ok but if not then it is treatable.Gain strength from the many women on this site who have been living with secondaries for many years. I know this must be such a scary time for you so come back to this site for support.
Tonya xx
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Hi Tonya. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I had cancer cells in the lymph nodes which is why they took the whole breast the second time and all lymph nodes. I got my MRI results back and the results are still inconclusive. Grrr. So I am having a talk to my Oncologist this week but I think the last test is a biopsy. Nothing really changes for chemo but its scarey thinking it might be travelling somewhere at any time isn't it???
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Hi Joy, thanks for your reply. I am still waiting on MRI results. Have been told a bit but seeing my Oncologist this week and apparently results for the liver were inconclusive so will probably have to have a biopsy. Its certainly good to read that so many women are living proof that this isn't a death sentence and life can go on as normal. I live in Mt Gambier, SA and there is a group here that I have been told about. I am due for my second chemo this Friday and my hair is just starting to come out so have some scarves and a wig ready for work. LOL
I hope you're doing ok with your treatment.
xx Kate