Reconstruction question by goodhealthagain

SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
Hello Everyone

Well, finally coming to the decision which has weighed heavily since my mastectomy back in 2016 is, should I have a reconstruction ?

I'm nearly there with my decision to go ahead and have the surgery, perhaps a TRAM free flap or DIEP flap.  As these are the only options for me.
Getting a couple of opinions from micro surgeons at present, so that I can be fully informed as to all that goes with this massive decision.

So much to think about and would welcome any thoughts from your experiences and any questions that I should be asking the surgeons when I see them.

I would be very grateful for your comments.

Looking to getting back and feeling -


  • BRFacilitator
    BRFacilitator Member Posts: 235
    Hi @Goodhealthagain, now that you are a member of the Choosing breast reconstruction group, you might want to post this question in that group. Let me know if you need any assistance with this.

    I've also messaged you a link to some of our information sheets, which includes Questions to ask your surgeon, which I hope you find useful. These info sheets can also be found on the Reclaim Your Curves website: - the information given was from members of our reconstruction group and the RYC facebook group and are a great start to understanding your options and how to prepare. Jane xx
  • Goodhealthagain
    Goodhealthagain Member Posts: 8
    Excellent, thank you for all your assistance Jane.
    Now I know, I'll be well prepared when I start having these discussions soon with the surgeons.  xo