Motiva implant MRI warning

Vallerina Member Posts: 183
So tomorrow im going in to brisbane for my 2 year mri. For some reason, Im not sure why, they agreed mri is best diagnostic tool for me but I dont get mammo or ultrasound. Thats ok by me. Im a bit nervous actually as my left (and only real) breast has been sore. I first noticed on holiday in january when my fella gave me  an enthusiastic hug. So im suffering a bit of scanxiety. Cant be as bad as last year. And i had sort of pushed this to the back of my mind. So i had the needle in my arm, had signed all the forms awkwarded myself onto the tray. Slid into mri tunnel. Then they stopped the scan and said i had metal in me and they couldnt proceed. I had no idea what on earth they were on about. So then i got thrown out in the waiting room with men, in my gown, no bra, blubbing away with no idea what was happening. I then got a free chest xray (clear) Luckily my surgeon was soon  available and he came down to reassure me and talked to them just before they almost sent me home. So apparently the Motiva implant has a metal microchip in it for identification purposes like in case of a recall they can scan you to check batch number or expiry date etc. They can do mri but have to set machine at a different speed. Once this was all revealed i was right to go. I had no idea about any of this. Glad i know now as im flying soon and will also take my evidence with me in case metal detector goes off. So tomorrow im armed with all the facts. If you have a modern implant might be worth mentioning this if you need mri. Another supressed trauma.


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Good grief @Vallerina! The 'surprises' just keep rolling in... Hope you're feeling OK now. Look after yourself and enjoy that trip. K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited February 2019
    When they ask if you have any surgical clips or staples most of us answer no. As I've found, depending on your surgery, you might well have numerous that you weren't told about.

    I haven't had an MRI since my last surgery, but a PET showed a spray of shrapnel I had no idea was in there. Everyone was a bit cross because, even though it made no difference for that procedure, I hadn't filled the paper work in properly. I was bloody furious because I had no bloody idea at all, none of the reports I'd been given mentioned them.
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Thanks @kmakm and @Zoffiel.this bc experience is definitely one that we could never have imagined.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    I hope all is good with your good boob xxx

    What a bugger of a way to find out about the microchip! @Vallerina!   I recall my surgeon saying something about metal 'markers' showing the location of my surgery - tho not sure if they are 'big enough' to affect an MRI/PET etc .... I guess I'll find out if/when I have one!   I've seen them on the ultrasound .... tiny markers.

    All the best xxx

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    I know they can see my markers on ultrasounds 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Glad it was sorted for you @Vallerina I have no idea what might be in me.  If I was told at the time there would be no way I'd remember it.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I just had an MRI and said to them re inplants issue just silcone. I can't even recall what type I even have now. (I'm sure I have a book somewhere). Well nothing came flying out of my all good I guess.
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    edited March 2019
    Ha ha @primek thats funny. The operator had all my details from last year and said she remembered and was prepared this year. Nothing came flying out !!! My fella came with me this year. And we went out for a great lunch and found 2 huge antique markets and visited family so it ended up a nice day.