Core Biopsy Timeline

Blackkitty25 Member Posts: 7
edited November 2018 in General discussion
I’m having a core biopsy on a small lump picked up in mammogram/ultrasound. My biopsy is on the 3rd December. I’m not too worried as we all think it’s a mouse (fibroadenoma). It’s pretty small, less than 1cm.  However, my nan had a cancer the size of a pea and had a mastectomy so because of family history and one dodgy gene we’re heading down the core biopsy route to make sure. I need to book into my doctor for results about two weeks in advance because we’re in the country and he has too many patients. So how long should it take core biopsy results to come back? He will ring me and get me to come in if it’s urgent. But better if I have the appointment already lined up.


  • Tracey2800
    Tracey2800 Member Posts: 32
    Hi @Blackkitty25
    I too live in the country and proactively booked my appointment early in anticipation. My core biopsy was done on a Wednesday and I had my results on the Monday, so only a few days. Breastscreen were able to tell me exactly when the results would be available. 
    Good luck x 
  • Blackkitty25
    Blackkitty25 Member Posts: 7
    Thanks. I will contact the imaging place where it’s done to check their length of time. Three days after sounds like a good option.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I was diagnosed via Breastscreen in Melbourne and it was a week after the biopsy was done.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    10 days I was gicen and it wasn't finalised until the 10th day. Mine was cancerous however and they did additional testing to get the type so it may well be sooner if all is good. 
  • Blackkitty25
    Blackkitty25 Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for info. I will check with the imaging place definitely since some are more than 3 days. Will ring them tomorrow.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    My first core biopsy was back within 48hrs.  2nd one (the first one missed it ) was about the same time and these were done at two different imaging places.  Not sure whether it was a rush job or not as surgery was booked for the following Monday.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,232
    All the best with your core biopsy, @Blackkitty25 xx - I am in a rural area & had to go out of town for my biopsy Dec 27th last year - and got the results Jan 5th - so just over a week (with everyone on holidays!)

    The waiting is the pits tho - so try & keep yourself busy doing what you really love doing - just to help keep your mind off stuff!!  I love fishing - and from my detection last Nov until biopsy results - I was out fishing every bloody day (when I wasn't running my uke group, that took up the rest of my time!!  LOL)   ;) 

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Thursday for the biopsy and results back by the Tuesday.  From memory, this waiting time also incorporated a multidisciplinary team meeting.
  • Wonk
    Wonk Member Posts: 61
    Very similar timing to others.
    Friday for core biopsy and they advised me results would be ready the following Wednesday. They had a multidisciplinary team meeting Wednesday morning and then told me my results at midday.  I too had pre-empted an appointment with my GP the next morning (because she’s so hard to get in to) for a referral to a breast surgeon. While I was in the GP’s rooms she rang the surgeon and he saw me that afternoon. So within 2 days I went from diagnoses to booking for surgery.  Hard to remember how crazy that was.
    I agree that the waiting was the hardest.
  • Blackkitty25
    Blackkitty25 Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2018
    Thanks everyone. I gave the place doing biopsy a ring and they said two days for return of results. I was going to book into doctor for Thursday to play it safe but my GP doesn’t take appointments for Thursday afternoon so I’ve booked for Wednesday late afternoon. I figured if results not in, I’ve got other things to discuss and he will ring me to come in if something comes up. My biopsy is midday Monday. Both FNA and core biopsy. I’ve taken the day off work so I relax in morning beforehand and don’t over stress myself afterwards.