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Friday update (Oops its Monday!)

Giovanna_BCNA's avatar
7 years ago

Hello everyone and welcome to Fridays update (or should I say Mondays update!)

Wow what a busy month was had in October!  There were lots of Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities taking place all around Australia.  As you all know, we launched the new My Journey online tool and have been thrilled that the transition to the new tool has been reasonably smooth.  In the first week of the launch, more than 50% of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer used the tool.  For women who do not have access to the internet or a mobile phone, they will receive the hard copy My Journey Guide.  You can use the link below if you would like to view the new My Journey online tool.

During the week I had an email from a colleague with the following 'Before you speak: THINK'.  You may have already seen this but it really resonated with me and how we relate with others and interact in the online space.  It’s good for all of us to be reminded from time to time about the power of the written word and how our words can be interpreted by others reading them.  We encourage you to self-moderate and to have a think about what you have written prior to posting online.   I loved this THINK before you speak (or write) and wanted to share it with you.

Community Highlights 

1. What do I do now?  Great thread commenced by Bettyboo seeking some guidance with making some life transitions. 

2. Active treatment now what?  Great thread commenced by Spillsy who has finished treatment and wondering about what comes next?

3.  Karma Great thread commenced by Fletch, highlighting some random acts of kindness!

Community news

Work and breast cancer webinar

Thank you to all of you who have responded to the work and breast cancer webinar thread.  For those of you who have not seen the thread, you may like to have a look and provide your input.

As part of the new workplace supports BCNA launched earlier this year, we're planning a 'Work and breast cancer' webinar in November (TBC) and would appreciate your input.

  • What topics would you like to see covered in this webinar about work? 
  • What practical advice / tips would you give someone who is currently making decisions about work following their diagnosis e.g. to work through treatment, take extended time off?
  • What practical advice / tips would you give someone who is returning to work?
  • What do you wish you had known?
  • What did your employer / work colleagues do to support you through this time?
  • Do you see this webinar being for people who have been diagnosed or would you think it could benefit employers and colleagues?

Whyalla information forum South Australia

We will be hosting a free information forum in Whyalla on Wednesday, November 14 

Hear from experts on key topics such as: 

·         Breast surgery update and how to navigate your follow-up care

·         Emotional impact of breast cancer

·         Lymphoedema management

·         Exercise and breast cancer, what why and how

·         Raelene Boyle – her personal story

·         Connect with others who are living with breast cancer

You are welcome to bring along your partner, family members or friend.

Date: Wednesday 14 November

Time: Registration and refreshments from 9:30am onwards.(Forum from 9.45am – 3pm)

Venue: Westland Hotel, 100 McDouall Stuart Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608

Refreshments: Lunch provided. Tea and coffee available on arrival.

Parking: On-site parking available.

Hoping you had a good weekend everyone, enjoy the Melbourne cup tomorrow!

regards Giovanna

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi @Giovanna_BCNA, thanks for the update. I clearly missed something. I did notice some content deleted. I think I am under a rock in the choosing breast recon group. I do try and catch up out here when time permits between here and work and family. It’s all about balance. I love the THINK acronym, something we can all use in everyday life. Love your picture too @SoldierCrab. 
    Pits great to part of such a caring group of individuals. 
    Paula xxxx
  • Thank you moderators for your quick responses.  It is nice to see our community being held in safety by our community members and moderators. 
    Now for the future 

    We each carry a burden called BC in our lives, we each respond differently. The majority of us are kind and caring respecting each other when we have differences Let that continue to be our motto here 
    we have each others backs. 

    Happy Melbourne Cup day to the BCNA crew on Public Holiday today but still taking time to sort this out. 

  • Hello everyone,
    As requested by the user, all her content has been deleted,  It sounds like there is another forum that better suits her needs.  Thank you for all your messages of support for our online community. 
    Kind regards Giovanna  
  • It's hard to understand why some spew such hate and nastiness, especially in an environment they say they find useless. No forum or person or organisation can be all things to all people. Best to withdraw with respect and dignity. Speak your mind by all means, but without the vitriol.
  • The  blog serves a very broad cross- section of people with a common interest in breast cancer .Many of us are worried , afraid even angry but for the blog to survive and fulfill its supportive role we need to exercise tolerance of difference and be respectful of each other.This direction of this thread is damaging to the blog and ourselves.

    A post may not suit us / even interest us - it is better then to let it slide down the page without comment than engage and cause damage.If the blog itself does not meet our needs then it is time to leave but gently so please as there are still many people  who need a safe harbour and believe they have found it here.
  • I will stick with this forum for it's informative and thoughtful discussions, honest opinions and excellent moderation. 

    The people here rock and I wouldn't have got through the last year without the support I have received.
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