
Suzan57 Member Posts: 9
edited October 2018 in General discussion
I am half way through 4 weeks radiation for Pagets cancer of the breast. I first noticed something was wrong in May 2018. I had a lumpectomy in July. Pagets is very rare and I wonder if there are others out there who have had this diagnosis. I have a good prognosis and feel postive. 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hi and welcome.  Hopefully all going well with your treatment. 
  • Suzan57
    Suzan57 Member Posts: 9
    Thanks! I have 7 days of radiation to go and apart from tiredness and the burn I’m OK. Best wishes 💜

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    I will second the welcome from @primek. I'm sure there are others on here who have had a diagnosis of Pagets cancer of the breast. I hope you continue to manage with radiation. My one piece of advice would be to never stop your shoulder mobility exercises, even if your shoulder feels fine. Your muscles can tighten up years after radiotherapy 
    Take care
  • Suzan57
    Suzan57 Member Posts: 9
    Thanks so much. It’s funny that just before I read your post I was doing some shoulder stretches as I watched TV because of the tightness I was feeling. I have been quite sedentary during my radiation treatment. I’m ok in the mornings but really tired in the afternoon. I will need to get back to more exercise. I hope my burns don’t get too bad over the last 6 days. I am very happy with the care I am getting from Fiona Stanley Hospital. 
  • Sue F
    Sue F Member Posts: 31
    Hi Susan  I was diagnosed with Pagets in 2011 after having an itchy nipple for several months. Nothing showed on a mammagram so I was sent for a biopsy. The Surgeon said it is quite rare and in most cases it is from a lump within the breast so did a mastectomy, though once results came back it was found to be confined to the nipple in my case. Luckily I needed no further treatment. All the best with your treatment. 
  • Suzan57
    Suzan57 Member Posts: 9
    Thank you  Sue. It is so good to hear from someone else who has had a Pagets diagnosis and that you needed no further treatment. I had a two month gap between going to the doctor and my diagnosis. My doctor did what is expected of most doctors and ruled out eczema,  dermatitis and infection but I am glad I followed my intuition and urged her to send me to a breast surgeon. I have a good prognosis and hope all goes well in the future. Thanks once again for your post.
  • Mummabear06
    Mummabear06 Member Posts: 1 New Member
    Hi  I'm new on this site and also just diagnosed last month with pagets and dcis. I had surgery to remove it last week. Still waiting for results to know if i need any more surgery or treatment.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Welcome @Mummabear06. I'm sorry you've found yourself here, but I hope you find it as helpful and warm a place as I have. We even have some laughs!

    How are you doing so far?
  • Suzan57
    Suzan57 Member Posts: 9
    Hello Mummabear! I hope you are feeling ok. I am so thankful to have found this site but writing about breast cancer is confronting for me, because it makes it more real. But the girls here are so caring that you don’t feel alone. Surrounded by loved ones at home but there’s still things you can’t share unless it’s with someone who’s been there. “Is this really happening to me” keeps popping into my head. I’m sitting outside now in my garden and just enjoying a cool breeze blowing away the humidity of a hottish spring day. I’m spending a lot of time just being in the moment and radiation treatment has made me very tired in the afternoons.  So Mummabear I hope your results are good, it’s a waiting game from now on. If you have any questions about my experiences ask away. Here comes the rain! My garden will love it!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Suzan57 I'm 10 months down the track and have finished active treatment and I'm still wondering if it's real.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800

    Hi - just catching up on reading some posts and I noticed that you had said you were waiting for results - have they come through?  Take care