Hi Everyone

nellsbell Member Posts: 19
edited September 2011 in General discussion

I am having a lot of problems with restless legs and burning feet which are really bad at night, it's like having hot water bottles in my bed, so I rang my oncologist who I am seeing on Thursday and we have decided that I am going to miss next weeks dose of taxol till I have seen him next week and a decision will be made if I will continue with it or half the dose. I am leaning towards not to continue with it as  far as the doctor was concerned I am cancer free and this was just a precaution. Then I can move on to radiation and put it behind me and move on with life. I have missed just having a glass of wine as I know while I am feeling this bad it will only make me feel worse. I have also missed not having the energy to play with my beautiful grandchildren.

Sorry about the complaining, It.s the first I have done since my diagnoses and I know everyone understands how hard it is to stay cheery and positive all the time.

I am getting a bit better at this and learning my way around the website.

Thanks for the info that has been sent to me.

Love Nellsbell


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Sounds like a plan that you and your doctor are comfortable with.All chemo drugs are dangerous and you have to weigh it all up.Taxol is hard on your extremities but you might also be lacking in magnesium and calcium.Try a hot milo milk drink before bed(if you can stomach it)Hope you feel better soon and can have that wine and play with your grandchildren- hey,not much to ask in life!

                                          Tonya xx

  • Ann-Marie AK
    Ann-Marie AK Member Posts: 166
    edited March 2015

    Don't be sorry for complaining, sometimes it's therapeutic to let it all out, and on here everyone understands.  I for one have let it all out on this site and was buoyed up by all the support  I got.  You have done really well to have only complained once.

    Good luck with your decision about chemo.  I hope you start to feel better and are able to do more with your grandchildren.  Even just watching kids play can be good for the soul.

    Ann-Marie xx

  • joleeh5
    joleeh5 Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015


    I had the same issue with burning restless and pins and needles in the feet. After doing some research my self diagnosis is peripheral neuropathy. Nerve damage from the taxol chemo. I have seen a naturopath who reccommended fish oil and vitamin e and am now having accunpuncture and taking some chinese herbs which are boiled to make a tea.

    The accupuncturist told me that had I seen him before chemo he could have given me herbs to prevent it happening.

    Thats my experience just thought id share hope it helps. Good Luck


  • joleeh5
    joleeh5 Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015


    I had 4 x ac then 12 x paclitaxel. I take 3 x 1500mg fish oil ( the naturopath recommended the liquid {ethical nutrients} but I couldnt stomach it and it repeated on me all day yukk. I also take a few  things that my naturopath gave me.

    The symptoms are starting to get a little better but not yet cured by any means. I have been working hard with diet and exercise and accupuncture to try and help myself as I was feeling very low.

    good luck cheers Jo 

  • nellsbell
    nellsbell Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    I'm glad Istopped the Taxol when I did before the symptoms got too bad. I think that might help me to recover alot faster. I have only been taking 1000mg of the shark oil but I might up it to 2 caps a day.

    Cheers Nellsbell