Fine needle biopsy suggested 3 years past original treatment mascetomy side

Alsopt Member Posts: 225
edited July 2018 in General discussion
hi all I haven't been on here for a couple of years.  I'm 3 years to the day of original diagnosis, lumpectomy then mascetomy expander chemo radio.  At my annual 6 month ultrasound/ bloods a what they call suspicious newly found lump has been found only small in mascetomy and node clearance side - first my oncologist said don't worry looks like possibly a cyst then he consulted with original bc surgeon who suggested fine needle.  I'm totally freaked out.  After all the treatments and trying to return to work neuropathy finally got the better of me.  I'm just wondering my oncologist said up to me to biopsy or to wait 3 months have another ultrasound.  Over the past 3 years I've had 3 cysts turn up in remaining breast that was suggested to do biopsy but I said no and now they are smaller and not suspicious I'm quietly terrified that this is happening again and I never thought it could reoccur in totally removed side - thoughts / experiences appreciated hugs 


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Hi @Alsopt. Of course you're terrified. I have multiple cysts in my "well behaved" side. Biopsy has never been suggested to me. Nor have they changed, from what I understand. 
    As to what's happening on your mastectomy side, I'd probably lean towards biopsy, if only to reassure yourself now, if nothing else. Unfortunately, local recurrence can happen, most likely in or near the skinof the original tumour, so probably best to be sure that it's nothing.  Would you really be happy waiting 3 months??? Unless it totally disappeared in that time. Can you actually see or feel it?
    I do remember your site name, you were diagnosed just a couple of months after me. Sorry to hear you've had to stop work due to neuropathy.  
    Take care
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It sounds like biopsy is the best way to deal with your anxiety - 3 months is a long time to wait and wonder.  I can understand why you're feeling so scared.  
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    had some recurrence not sure if same side... she will now see this post and reply when she can. 

    I had lumps in my non affected lymph side and had fnb to be sure it was nothing turns out to scar tissue after 5yrs forming 

    FNB will rule out things and also give you peace of mind instead of spending 3 mths worrying;

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Hi @Alsopt I remember you as I am nearly 3yrs since diag too and I was also a single mastectomy. At least you get told about cysts. Last time the ultrasound person was measuring something in my good breast and this time I could see the screen. I asked what are you measuring? Oh just a cyst at 12 o'clock. I said was it there before? Oh yes, we're keeping an eye on it. Sheesh!
    My node cleared armpit often has lumps and bumps but they sort of iron out with activity so I don't really panic about it now as they come and go. Gosh a biopsy would have me having kittens as well. Let us know how you get on. <3
  • Alsopt
    Alsopt Member Posts: 225
    Hi ladies still navigating the site thankyou and yes 2 of you I remember clearly lol so maybe my chemo fog has lifted.  Fine needle is tomorrow and I've been an absolute basket case.  I've meditated walked dogs I'm unsure of how to answer directly to you all soldier crab that would be awesome if your friend has any advice.  Hi Brenda I'm so glad your still around and IRB same 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    The very best of luck tomorrow @Alsopt. Fingers crossed for you. K xox
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Hi @Alsopt, when you put the @ symbol in frpnt of the person's site name, that tag's them, so they are notified that they've been mentioned.
    I'll be thinking of yiiu tomorrow.  Sending hugs 
  • Alsopt
    Alsopt Member Posts: 225
    Hi ladies ended up having to have core biopsy - I feel like a cancer patient again - took me one Atvian meditation on i phone either the dr this time was better at it or I've lost most feeling in auxiliary because it didn't hurt - they told me if I had fine needle chances were they'd then ask for core.  Boy I hope this is not bc again 
  • Alsopt
    Alsopt Member Posts: 225
    And now it's the wait again - don't know what I'll do if it is and they suggest chemo then I'll lose it 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh my dear @Alsopt I do hope not. Biggest of hugs love. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Fingers crossed for you.
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Ah crap!! 
    Everything crossed
  • Jane_Elizabeth
    Jane_Elizabeth Member Posts: 158
    Sending good thought your way @Alsop
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    Best of luck , thinking of you , hoping for good news @Alsopt
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    @Alsopt sorry I haven't been on I'm taking a break from the Forum and sadly my Dad died suddenly on sunday, so a very difficult time.

    I had a recurrence in the same side however I hadnt had the mastectomy at that point, my recurrence appeared in the same spot as the original. Ive had a Diep flap recon on that side, and am 3yrs post diagnosis and 18 months post surgery. Sorry I cant be of more help, please let us know what transpires. xx Melinda