What’s next

Nikkilee Member Posts: 35
edited June 2018 in General discussion
Hi ,
was just wanting some guidance on what happens next as I keep forgetting to ask when at appointments. So I was diagnosed with triple negative back in jan 2018 had a lumpectomy with clear margins and clear lymph nodes have had 4 lots of AC and now upto week 5 if my 12 week paclitaxel and once that is finished will have radiation but what I want to know is when that is all finished will I have more scans etc to make sure that all the nasties have definitely gone . Sorry If this question seems silly xo


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    hi Nikkilee no question is silly...... normally we don't have any follow up scans unless there is a reason for it ... PAIN symptoms etc  you will continue to see surgeon and onco for up to 5 years and they will keep a watchful monitoring of your health. 
    you are doing well 9 down and only 7 to go now .... 
    radiation was easier than Chemo for me. 


  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi Nikkilee

    Definitely no sill questions on here.  Like @SoldierCrab I found radiation much easier as well.  I have 12 month follow up scans just to make sure as there were a number of nodes involved and my breast tumour was an absolute bugger to find. My next lot are due in November and with the price of them I better start saving up now!!
    Congrats on being over the halfway mark with chemo.
