Prolia Injections

SueKat Member Posts: 4
edited June 2018 in General discussion
After having a lumpectomy with removal of 11 lymph nodes, I had Chemo and Radiotherapy. Was put on Arimidex only to find my body ached from top to toe for 18 months before I had a rest then changed to Exemestane, had bone density test and my specialist said all was great. Haven’t had aches and pains caused by medication but had a fall and fractured my radial head last year.
9 months on my Dr suggested I start having Prolia Injections every 6 months. Having read the great list of side effects I’m unsure I want to risk going back to aching bones and extremities. 
 Can anyone tell me how about their experience with this drug?



  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @SueKat , I have  severe osteoporosis  (three spontaneous  rib  fractures on three different occasions) and am on femara. Was started on prolia  injections over a year ago and will have my third six monthly one this month. My jaw hasn't rotted and fallen out, I've had no legs breaking, no rashes or fevers. I have a number of other medical conditions which each have their own symptoms so it's hard to tell which has been caused by what, but all I can say is that I've noticed no other or worsening symptoms that  I had before starting the prolia.
  • SueKat
    SueKat Member Posts: 4
    Thank you Ally,
    You certainly have been through a lot! I wish you all the best.Sue
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Hi @SueKat,
    I have been on these injections for the last 4 years intially every 4 weeks and now every 6 weeks,, my bone density has gone from osteoporosis to osteopenia meaning that its gotten better, I dont do anything special, I do take vitamin d, calcium and magnesium daily, oral care is very important and it would be a good idea to have a complete dental check up prior to going on the injections, you have to tell the dentist you will be going on this drug as its very important that they know.I have had a filling and one extraction whilst on these injections, for the extraction I had to stop the injections for three months, but ultimately they are doing me good no side effects that I can think of and they certainly are helping with the metasteses in my spine, all drugs have side effects and we may get some or none, a lot of ladies are on this drug and have had good results, hope this helps you,I am lucky that the community nurse comes to my home and gives me the injection, it doesnt hurt,
    however just check about the cost as I have metastatic breast cancer I get it on the pbs, so check to see if your dr will put that on your script,
  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    I am trying weight lifting through Bone Clinic. 67 years old and trying hard to stay off drugs other than arimidex. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi @SueKat I began Prolia injections on a 6 monthly basis last August when I started Letrozole..I was very worried about side effects from what I had read online much more so than Letrozole.I have had no difficulties whatsoever.

    I saw my GP who said he had many on Prolia with no problems.I also learnt several friends had 6 monthly Prolia injections with no problems either.

    I have been told that Letrozole and Prolia work together to reduce bc recurrence very effectively. You can read about these findings online.

    I do light weights twice weekly and walk daily for an hour to help with joint issues as well as take Caltrate Bone and Muscle Health tablets to ensure I have the right amount of calcium and vitamin d according to the Australian Osteoporosis society standards for my circumstances.

    Prolia is expensive $275 per injection unless you can access the PBS price of $38.For the latter your need either to have been diagnosed as osteoporotic and over70 OR have been diagnosed as osteoporotic and had an osteoporotic fracture.

    I was diagnosed with osteoporosis some years before breast cancer.For 3/4 months I took bisphoshonate tablets to build bone. I would NOT recommend them. I found myself needing a dental extraction with no dentist willing to help because of fear of osteonecrosis of the jaw as I had been on bisphoshonates..In the end Prof Goss from the Dental school did it after doing cross laps to ensure my bone was turning over. I stopped taking the tablets.

    Prolia has the advantage of only staying in you system 6 months allowing dental work to be done after that time prior to the next injection.Bisphoshonates stay in your system indefinitely.

    I support the suggestion re The Bone Clinic which has had great results reversing bone thinning through a weights program.It is done in conjunction with Griffith Uni on the Gold Coast. @Deanne
    told us about and she has only recently posted on here about it again - maybe use the search bar up the top to find her postings.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Here is the article about Prolia and breast cancer recurrence
  • SueKat
    SueKat Member Posts: 4
    Thank you your posts have been very helpful.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Thought may be of interest the new Australian Osteoporosis guidelines especially as later in the document there is quite a bit about Aromatase Inhibitors

  • SueKat
    SueKat Member Posts: 4
    Thank you.