Friday Update 1 June 2018

Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
edited June 2018 in Community news and events

Hello everyone and welcome to
Friday’s update.  

National Volunteer Week 21 – 28 May 2018

It was National Volunteer week
last week and I wanted take this opportunity to say thank you to all of
the BCNA volunteers!  We are thrilled to
have such a dedicated and enthusiastic team of volunteers who provide support
in so many ways for our organisation and women and men who have been diagnosed
with breast cancer.  A big thank you to
all of you!! A particularly big thank you to those on our network who lead our
private groups and those who keep an eye out for new members to the network to
ensure they are welcomed. We greatly value your support. Actually a big thank
you to all of you for supporting each other and creating such a welcoming

Resilience project

Last week I had the opportunity to attend a
presentation at my children’s primary school about the Resilience Project.  The presentation provided ‘practical evidence
based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and
happiness’.  It was a great presentation
and I left thinking that it not only applies to my children but that adults would
also benefit from lots of the information provided so I thought I would share
it with you The presenter,  Hugh van Cuylenburg, had three main messages to help build
resilience -  practice gratitude, empathy
and mindfulness.  One of his suggestions
included keeping a ‘gratitude’ diary and every day for 21 days documenting 3
things that went well for you.  So far
I’m up to day 3 of my diary!  See the
link below.


Every week we
have so much variety in the posts being shared in the online network.
 These can include questions about treatments, updates on how things are
going, and celebrating milestones. Here are some popular conversations you
might have missed:

Who else can’t

This has been an amazing thread
that has provided a real insight into the problems associated with sleep while
undergoing breast cancer treatment. 
Online members sharing their experiences of how to best manage this
issue. One of our helpline nurses, Riki, attended a workshop on sleep at Peter
Mac and we hope to have some resources to share with you soon.

Here Goes (1947 Views)

Commenced by TabooGal who said
that she had tried posting a couple of times in the online forum but had ‘backed
out’.  This is quite normal as many of our members spend time reading prior to posting.  Having been diagnosed with breast
cancer, she had lots of unanswered questions. 
It was great to see the peer support offered to her by our community members.

Community News

Plan B Conference & Field of Women Bursary spots
still available!

have a limited number of Plan B Conference and Field of Women Bursary spots
still available!

you live in a rural or remote location around Australia and are a breast cancer
survivor then you could be eligible.

are offering a $250 bursary which includes a ticket to the Plan B Conference
and a ticket to the Field of Women.

can find out more information here:

you wish to apply please send your name, address and phone number to Renee Gani

Bosom Buddies ACT

Bosom Buddies ACT are running the following three information sessions that you may be interested in: 

Tuesday 19 June 10 am – 11.30 am Financial Considerations and Practical advice

Tuesday 14 August 10 am – 11.30 am Wills and End of Life Care Plan

Tuesday 28 August 6 pm – 7.30 pm Breast Reconstruction –“ to do or not to do” with Dr Farhadieh

Location - Pearce Community Centre, 1 Collett Place, Pearce ACT

The sessions are free and open to everyone,
however you will need to RSVP for catering purposes.   If you are unable to
attend but are interested in any of these topics please let let Kareen Tait know and she will send you
session notes.

Kareen Tait, Executive Officer 0406 376 500

RSVP:  email

In Danger

Josepha Dietrich will be joining Kenmore Library, Kenmore QLD on the 7 June at 6.30 pm- 7.30 pm to discuss her new book In Danger.

Danger is one woman’s powerful story of how her mother’s death saved her life.
When Josepha Dietrich was 21, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Four
years after her mother’s death, the disease reared up in Josie’s own cells,
this time more aggressively. She was 34, and her high-needs baby son was not
yet one. 

In Danger is Josie’s journey through life with breast cancer from
inside the experience, capturing her energy and force-of-nature personality.
She reflects on the literary works that inspired her, from cancer literature to
other medical memoirs, works that helped her to explore disease and the human
condition, and shed light on its darker aspects. 

At its heart, this moving
memoir delves deep into how it feels when everything you love is in danger.
Books will be available for purchase on the night, or bring your copy from home
for Josie to sign. Presented as part of the Lord Mayor’s Writers in Residence

for the event can be done online through .

YWCA Perth Programs

YWCA Perth are asking for expressions of interest in attending the following programs in Term 3 for 2018.

Perth Metro area

Corner High Road and Riley Road Riverton
Friday 27 July – Friday 14 September 12-2 pm

Balga Leisurepark- Corner Princess Road
and Balga Avenue Balga Thursday 26 July - Thursday 13 September 12.30-2.30 pm

Being winter, they only run the 2 programs, however term 4
will see 3 metro programs.  They are not confirmed as yet, however they do run a north, south and central program in Term 4. Enrolment is by returning the completed enrolment
forms. To obtain your pack or make an enquiry contact the YWCA of Perth, 9440 3501 or FREECALL 1800 305 150.  Email:

More details are available at


The moderation team and I have enjoyed reading your posts
regarding your favorite quotes, here is another one I came across the other day  “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience
in which you really stop to look fear in the face” Eleanor Roosevelt.

Hoping you all have a good weekend and stay warm!




  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,782
    Thanks Giovanna, very newsy
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Thankyou @Giovanna_BCNA really look forward to your weekly summaries and news items.x
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
    Thanks @Giovanna_BCNA for all your help and guidance also. 
    Paula xx
  • alexinbrisbane
    alexinbrisbane Member Posts: 223
    Nice Update - Thanks