having trouble accessing info

HappyH Member Posts: 2
Hi just join the network to find some info on breast reconstruction options. But having problem looking at discussions, as it is telling me I need to join the group?? not sure what is going on


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @HappyH I will tag the lady who looks after that group.
    @mum2jj can you help, please 
  • BRFacilitator
    BRFacilitator Member Posts: 235
    Hi @HappyH, I've just joined you up to the breast reconstruction group - look forward to seeing you there. Let me know if you need any help finding the information / stories once you've had a look around. 
    Cheers, Jane 
  • HappyH
    HappyH Member Posts: 2
    thanks heaps, looks like I am in, just need to learn how to find the information I need. very new to forums!!
  • BRFacilitator
    BRFacilitator Member Posts: 235
    Hi @HappyH , glad you're in the group now.

    If you look on the front / loading page the photo stories are available under the Announcements section - just click on where it says Photo Stories, Information Sheets and Resources and you'll find lots of stories under each topic e.g. implants, TRAM, DIEP etc. There are also a number of information sheets on topics such as What to Pack for Hospital, Choosing Your Surgeon etc, that have been compiled from advice given by our members over the years.

    The current discussions can also be found on the front / loading page of the group. Feel free to ask questions - you can start a new discussion by clicking on the pink New Discussion button. 

    Hope this helps  :) Jane xx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Thanks for the tag @Zoffiel, the lovely @Jane221 another of our group leaders seems to have it all sorted. @HappyH shout of if you are having any more trouble. If you can’t remember how to get to the group, just look for groups and click on that and any groups you are a member of will pop up, then just click on choosing breast reconstruction and you are in. 
    Paula x