Life is a Team Effort

Londog Member Posts: 19
Left mastectomy 13/3 with 1 sentinel node biopsy.  Home now recovering.  My biggest worry now is prognosis next week.  1 tumour was estrogen+'ve and progesterone+'ve. The other possibly benign.  Through other recent health issues (reversed Type 2 Diabetes) I have become deeply distrustful of western medicine.  Cycling through "I got this" to absolutely terror.


  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 272
    Hello Londog. I am like you but my right boob has recently been cut away and I am feeling uncertain about the future. I am alone in life with no partner, no kids and no family and also now really questioning western medicine. My advice is to try not to stress too much as that won't help at all. Listen to your doctors, weigh up what they say then make your own decisions as I have. It is your body and your life and most of all you need to find a reason to fight on. Sending best wishes to you.  Anne
  • Sunshine0206
    Sunshine0206 Member Posts: 146
    I understand the fear you have of western medicine. At times I wonder as to if it’s torture or cure but I remind myself it’s evidence based. X
  • Londog
    Londog Member Posts: 19
    @BlackWidow thanks for generous thoughts.  I am very fortunate to have a great family and my husband has been a Rick.  Good luck on your journey.  I hope you find comfort!
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there @Londog. I had triple neg bc so different to you but what you’re feeling is normal. I hated the time in between surgery and waiting for results. Just take each day at a time. Trust your team but also trust your gut. When I was told about the chemo from my breast care nurse who was awful by the way it scared the shIt out of me and I thought it would be less toxic to drink roundup to be honest and how the fuck can chemo be “good for you” After talking to my oncol I felt much better about it  but like you did question western medicine. And bc does send your emotions into a chaotic spin that’s for sure. Once you get your results and a plan of attack it does make you feel better and you can get your head around it.  But just take each day at a time. Delegate when nececcesary try and keep yourself busy that helps and try not to google anything. Big hug. Margie xx
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Oh what? Dang! I must not have hit the 'post' button last night. Forgotten what it was about now, thanks chemo brain lol.
    You have gotten the cancer out and that's the main thing. The rest is mopping up, making sure it doesn't come back ever, or at least for a long time.
    I had chemo but not radiation and am on hormone therapy. What further treatment you have is your decision so I will not touch on that but perhaps why cancer befell us I will. Our western diet leaves much to be desired. I just watched a nutrition movie that says, although we have all sorts of foods, we are not getting the right vitamins and minerals, just a lot of sugars. Going for the good old fruits and veges and a supplement might be the ticket. 
    Also stress. Avoid it where ever possible. I am big on self preservation now and I don't take on others problems and try to help them any more. It's very man (woman) for herself nowadays and don't sweat the small stuff. It sounds easy but its not. <3
  • Londog
    Londog Member Posts: 19
    @Brenda5 I have just gone through reversing long term Type 2 Diabetes whilst eating LCHF.  Such a butter pill to have to add this to that battle.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited March 2018
    Like @Brenda5 I am big on the stress bandwagon when it comes to one's health being compromised.  The hormonal chain reaction inside your body when under constant stress adversely affects your immune system. I'll be looking to minimise my stress, once I'm past the stress of my BC treatment...
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Londog, What an achievement to reverse Type 2 diabetes - was that through diet? - does LCHF stand for low carb high fat? I am interested because I am at risk of developing Type 2 myself, and weight,  diet and exercise stand out as things I need to tackle.
    But what a bummer for BC to now hit you. Please let us know your results. 
    Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW
  • RachelG
    RachelG Member Posts: 50
    @onemargie, love it "less toxic to drink roundup". Your posts are always so refreshing and funny as hell x
  • Londog
    Londog Member Posts: 19
    @jennyss yes low carb high fat.  Keto diet.  Might be why my aggressive tumour has taken 18 months to get cranky.  I have been slack of late and weight was creeping back on.  I Got to get control of it.  It could literally be a issue of life and ........
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @jennyss I started on the blood sugar diet by dr michael mosley to remove extra fats etc and bring diabetes under control if you have it ..... in 4 wks I have lost 8kg   I bought the book and recipe book so far everything I have made everyone in family has enjoyed it. 

    If you are wanting to reclaim your life and health .... we have a facebook group about this for BC ladies ..... Let me know I will post the link. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Is it specific to diabetes @SoldierCrab?
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi Sister no the group is called roller coaster to recovery for anyone (invited) who has had BC and wants to regain their health be that lose weight exercise etc and wants some encouragement etc. 
    Anyone can do that diet it is a LCHF diet basically the recipes are very yummy 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I'd be interested in that link, too.
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Thanks @Londog and @SoldierCrab. SoldierCrab, do I send you a personal message to get that link? How do network members send personal messages?
    6.55am and it's still dark! I'm looking forward to the end of daylight saving.