Post Op Question

Lake Mac
Lake Mac Member Posts: 7
Hi everyone. Its a real privilege to read about  your journeys and I thank you all for the very informative information. 
Last week  I went have a  hook wire guided wide incision but during the localization there was another suspicious area found that hadn't been noticed before. Therefore I went to surgery with an unexpected  extra wire which ment the Dr had to change his plan to take a bigger area. 
He did it kind of like a mastapexy/ mammoplasty  type of thing he moved the nipple and  a little  fat around to try and shape it? I'm not big busted so I have one very very tiny little boobie lol.
I went home the same day and definitely regreted that, but I barely remember talking to the Dr. I was sent home wearing a big white compression wrap/bandage thing no bra. When the hospital rang the next day to see how I was, I asked about the bandage they told me just to take it off to shower but didn't indicate how really long to wear it. I dont see the Dr till early February.

Can anyone tell me if they've had one (compression) and how long did they have wear it?
I sent my daughter shopping yesterday to buy me a post op  type of bra thinking maybe I could wear that. But with no success so far in 16B.
I'd appreciate if anyone can shed some light.
Kindest Regards and Best Wishes x


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    I haven't had that sort of experience. I would suggest you continue to wear the compression until you see the surgeon, having been given no advice to the contrary. 
    Hope you're not getting too much pain
    Take care, Lyn
  • Lake Mac
    Lake Mac Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for the advice Lyn, the pain is manageable more uncomfortable. @Irb_03 xx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi, I don’t think there is any hard and fast rule regarding those chest binders.I wore mine until the drain came out after a week.I showered after that! Do you have a breast care nurse you could ring?If it feels comfortable,then I’d wear it for 1-2 weeks( taking it off for showers) I probably wore a post surgery bra around the 2 week mark.Your breast care nurse or doctor can order the free Berlei post op bra from BCNA- just have to ring up.You can buy the Berlei bra in Myers but they aren’t cheap- might be 30% off at the moment though. They are very comfortable. Alternatively, there are soft comfy,crop top type bras in Best for Less for about $10( go a size bigger).I was in hospital for 3 days- they sure turfed you out quickly poor thing.Be sure to ring the hospital if you develop a high temp or get a lot of swelling in your breast.You usually get your pathology results when you see your surgeon.Take it easy and let others look after you.Take pain relief as needed and don’t wait till it’s bad.I think I was driving and back to work after about 3 wks. Ofcourse it depends on what you do and how you are healing. Best wishes,gentle hugs. Tonya
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Will you be having chemo? I was just wondering of mismatched you might be able to have a small implant in to balance out. Because you will likely need radiotherapy they might suggest popping a tissue expander in prior that so it can stretched befire hand as radiotherapy can shrink the skin and muscle a little and make the stretch a little difficult. It can be done post radiotherapy though if not requiring too big a implant to balance. My niece had her reconstruction after radiotherapy a couple of years later and very successful. She was always small busted but she looks rebalanced now. 
  • Lake Mac
    Lake Mac Member Posts: 7
    @primek chemo hasn't been mentioned at this stage. I'm not really sure  about anything.  But that's a very interesting thought though and very handy to be awear of some choices . Thank you 
    @TonyaM thank you for the information That was very helpful and appreciated