Does DCIS show up on a MRI scan? 


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Sorry @Lisa Janelle, not sure. Hopefully one of the ladies here will be able to help you out but if not you could always ask your breast care nurse or try phoning the BCNA helpline because they also have nurses who can answer questions that you have. PH 1800 500 258. Not sure if they will be manned on public holidays though. Wishing you all the best. Xx Cath
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hello @Lisa Janelle it is a good question, I found this excerpt as follows

    Mammography largely detects DCIS through the presence of microcalcifications on the X-ray image.MRI is actually not very effective at identifying microcalcifications. On an MR image, calcium deposits can occasionally be seen as tiny signal voids, but they are not as reliably detected as with mammography.

    Hugs Melinda xo
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    Hi @melclarity I am confused as I am not sure who said that the biopsy can be wrong I would like to be sure 100% before they give me a mastectomy. Or am I just wishful thinking. I go back on the 18th January. To the doctor. Just seems so extreme mammogram biopsy and chop.  
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hi @Lisa Janelle yes it is I who said about biopsies and I only say it for me as my first biopsy came back benign so it missed it altogether thankfully my Surgeon wasnt convinced and I did a lumpectomy and I had DCIS. So it's more the point of they get a benign result as opposed to positive. With your results of 7cm from nipple to chest wall it is totally understandable that its just too difficult to do a successful lumpectomy and because of that result feel a mastectomy is the only way to go. Based on that, it actually is the best recommendation. It certainly is difficult there is no mistaking that, and with your results it seems their recommendation is relevant. I really recommend talking with your Surgeon or even a Counsellor that helped me enormously as mentally it is extremely difficult to get your head around. 

    Hang in there, you will get through it, we are all proof of it. Hugs Melinda xo
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    I already have implants so I have a pocket I gather so why can’t they cut it out and reconstruction straight away. Seems such a long progress.
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    @melclarity as they r only taking one off I gather I will rather lopsided. I am freaking out. I know that is selfish as it could be worse. I don’t think I’ll be able to leave the house I will be so self conscious. I am in qld public system. I am reading there is wait for reconstruction.  ???? Does anyone know 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Lisa Janelle hopefully some other members can jump in, there are a few up in Qld. I think generally they wouldnt do an immediate reconstruction, but they could put an expander in until such time  as they could redo the implant. Something you could do which I have done before is, ring and speak with the Surgeon to clarify those things or I have also emailed too as you are waiting til Jan 18? 

    There is a wait for reconstruction up there yes, but again its on a case by case basis, I was placed at category 1 purely because I had a recurrence at 4yrs and 1yr after treatment I decided on a single mastectomy as mine was preventative I was able to have immediate diep flap reconstruction. 

    Youre not being selfish at all, completely normal! so I honestly would seek a conversation with your Surgeon, I'd write down exactly what you need to know as you have asked here. M
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    If private you possibly could have a larger implant with a matrix sling. The expander can be enlarged quite rapidly and they can do the changeover once any treatment is finished. They really only recommend mastectomy if necessary. You would be too disfigured with a lumpectomy and ultimately would have a better end  appearance. If an expander is put in at the time of mastectomy the changeover is relatively minor and you possibly won't need to wait as long. Your breast car nurse can give you a soft breast form to balance your appearance.  Only you will know. Have you been connected with a breast care nurse? They will be able to go through a lot of this with you and explain surgical options etc. 
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    @melclarity surgeon is away till the 16th he is private and operates 1 day public. I saw him privately as I couldn’t wait before he went away. I am thinking if I start public and there is a long wait I could go private to reconstruct I am sure if it is a simply as this. There is 3 surgeons who operate public but I wanted him as I saw his work and it looked good. So that is why I am waiting. I could of saw someone last week but they may of just chopped. I am to scared to not go with someone I don’t feel ok with. R u private or public. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Thanks @primek for jumping in with some great information. It does sound like what I thought too, so @Lisa Janelle I think that sounds good that you wait for him then on the 18th, that you would have something in place in terms of an expander at least.  I'm both private and public LOL, all my lumpectomies and chemo were private however my mastectomy/diep flap recon was public as my Surgeon and Plastic Surgeon both work closely together in the public system as well. So he recommended to do that so I had no out of pocket which I didn't. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    @Lisa Janelle
    I had a mastectomy 5 years ago with no reconstruction (my choice). Most people wouldn't have a clue I only have one breast. Even immediately after surgery, I went out and about looking perfectly normal. I was a bit self conscious for the first day, but then I realised I was the only one who knew anything was different. Many people have reconstruction (immediate or later) and are very happy with it, but if you do have to wait a little, it's all possible.
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    @primek I haven’t been connected with a breast care nurse. What is matrix sling??? How long do u stay in hospital after a mastectomy usually.thank u 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I was only in hospital 3 days for mastectomy/diep flap recon, though is very different to just a mastectomy or expander as I have a tummy tuck to use the fat to create the reconstruction. Mind you my recovery was 8 weeks, you'd be looking at less than that. 
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    @melclarity did u have an implant??
  • Lisa Janelle
    Lisa Janelle Member Posts: 45
    @melclarity do u have those drains for a mastecomy if so how long do they stay in? Sorry for all the questions.