Can I have salad during chemo?

Koukla Member Posts: 15
Hi Ladies,

My breast cancer was diagnosed late July, bilateral mastectomy early Aug. and I am at age 52. My bc is triple negative, lymph node is not involved so only chemo is suggested after surgery.  I have done 4 cycles of AC and 4/12 of Paclitaxel so far, I am given Pyridoxine/Vitamin B6 since I have started Paclitaxel so I would assume this helps to slow down the development of Neuropathy.

I recall that I read from one of the diet booklets suggested for chemo patients and it says everything has to be cooked, with summer here I am craving to have salad so much instead of cooked veges.  

Can any lady share any experience please?


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    If I hadn't eaten salad I might have starved! I lost my taste buds and salad was one of the few things that tasted of something, anything! Actually tasted like salad! I ate lettuce, cucumber, tomato, avocado because I could taste them all.

    I can only imagine this is to ensure you are not exposed to any unhelpful bacteria when your immune system is being hammered, so same precautions. Wash everything thoroughly, even the skin you are going to peel off, even if the package says it's pre-washed! Ditto fruit. I had no problem, but perhaps anyone who has can comment too? Best of luck!
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Just make sure you wash fruit and veg and maybe keep away from prepackaged salads unless you can wash them. 
  • Koukla
    Koukla Member Posts: 15
    @Afraser and @Zoffiel, thank you so much for your quick responses to my question.  I feel so grateful for your help.  I look forward to enjoy my salad tonight!
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    It was prepared shop salads that is the issue. Not something you wash and prep yourself. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I actually don't recall them mentioning anything was off limits, eating was a major problem through chemo, so as long as I got something in, I never worried. 
  • Mollygirl
    Mollygirl Member Posts: 213
    Just avoid salad bars and make sure you wash your salad ingredients well. Salad away!! Xx