Call back

Robynw Member Posts: 19
Hello ladies.Well I am nearly at the 5 year mark and have just received a call back on my mammogram.Has anyone had a recurrence after a mastectomy and chemo,in the other breast? I know I'm reading too much into it but I can't help it.Cheers Robyn xox


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @Robynw sorry to hear you are so anxious about this call back.... it could be that they are not happy with the imaging and need more or it could be a recurrence.... Do you have long to wait until you go back in ? 
    There are a few who have had recurrences  @melclarity is one I know of the top of my head..... 

    Hugs and energy to cope as you wait. 
    Soldier Crab

  • Robynw
    Robynw Member Posts: 19
    I have to wait 4 weeks! I had a call back last year,and I keep thinking that it must have changed again for them to want me back.Its not the imaging because they said it was clear. Never mind,I'll just, have to wait,and put it out of my mind.Its the times like this that I come back to the online network?In the beginning,I was always here,and then as time goes on,you slowly leave it behind and stand on your own again.Thanks for the reply:)
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Thanks @SoldierCrab

    @Robynw I did have a recurrence at the 4yr mark however I only had radiation after a lumpectomy and tamoxifen for 4yrs and it came back in the same spot. At the recurrence I had to have chemo, no rads as you cant have it twice and now on Aromasin. It is 2yrs today I finished treatment :) in Feb I had a mastectomy/diep flap recon, I have kept my right breast and recently at revision surgery had a breast lift to match the left reconstructed one. I had genetic testing and was negative so all agreed a single only was necessary, my breast pathology was perfect (of course) and at revision, my right breast tissue was perfect too. 

    It is daunting but it does not necessarily mean the worst at all, I have testing and results all the same day fortunately, but still hard to have a call back. Just pace yourself, the sooner you go the sooner you'll know why.

    Hugs Melinda xo
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Hi @Robynw,
    i too had a recurrence, but it was the same breast and not a new cancer in the other breast. As you probably know the chances of that are pretty small. However statistics won’t help you when you are worrying. All we want is to have it confirmed that there is nothing wrong. It’s awful you have to wait 4 weeks. I guess on a positive note if they were really worried they might get you in earlier. Fingers crossed it is nothing, but if it is the worst, you can still be fine. I went through the dreaded chemo twice, and whilst I wouldn’t recommend it, it was doable. Sending you much love. 
    Paula xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hopefully it's the same as last time but they need to be thorough. But oh the waiting is awful. 
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Hello @Robynw
    Sorry you are facing such a long wait. I did have a call back second last mammogram/ultrasound on my remaining breast. Luckily I only had to wait a couple of days.

    It turns out that the mammogram had detected a lymph node in a bit of a different spot. It had not shown up on previous mammograms apparently. They asked the ultrasound operator to check it but she did not get the right spot so they called me back to reultrasound. All along they were just being thorough but were pretty sure it was just a lymph node. Unfortunately this was not communicated to me until after the second ultrasound which did indeed confirm that it was just a perfectly normal lymph node.

    I think they will always check us more closely (and that is a good thing) so sometimes that means the extra worry of a call back. Paula is right. The chance of a new primary (a different thing from a recurrence of your original cancer in your mastectomy side), especially while you are on hormone therapy, is pretty low. I hope you can put this aside and enjoy Christmas with your family. I bet those grandchildren are growing fast! Let us know how it goes. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Sending hugs. Deanne xxx
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Why on earth does it take four weeks? Is that for results or are they going to redo it?
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @Robynw
    I am sad to read that you are possibly facing another challenge but why oh why is it going to take so long for answers ?
    Mind you, I do think it is good that they are being very thorough - I now I get the tomosynthesis as well as the ordinary mammogram so maybe that is part of it as they can see more detail.
    You are in my thoughts.
    Big hugs  Summer   :)
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there @Robynw how come you have to wait that long for your results ?. You’re gp should be able to get the results for you. I work in a gp clinic and we ring and get results faxed to the dr on behalf of the patient. Let me know if you’d like any more advice about getting the results sooner.  Margie. Xxx
  • Robynw
    Robynw Member Posts: 19
    Hi Margie,,no,not wait for the results,but wait for the actual appointment to be looked at again,after the first mammogram was inconclusive.Cheers Robyn xox
  • Caseypinto
    Caseypinto Member Posts: 258
    @Robyn W what a worrying time for you - four weeks is crazy - I guess it's just because it's that time of year... so hard... perhaps keep ringing to see if they have cancellations? Is there another place you can go? 