Treatment Finished today......

Janny54 Member Posts: 89

Hello lovely people.

I have just re read my first post on here. And it took me back to how scared I was in April this year.

Today I had my last Radiation treatment. I could hardly get back to the car quick enough. Once there I just cried and cried. I suppose it was relief or was it fear as to what the hell happens now......

These last months like everyone of you have had there ups and downs. Looking back ( I know I shouldn't) the nights on Chemo were the worst. Wide awake at 2 in the morning. Lucky for me tho I have a life long friend in England. So I was able to chat to her in the dark horrible hours. Then during the day I am lucky enough to have another great mate..... my husband. Boy do I feel sorry for him. But on the whole he has coped well with the mood swings and ranting and raving. But I do fink that he finks that now the treatment is over I should get back to normal ( what ever that is).

What I really want to say is that this site has been my saviour. I have come on everyday and reading everyone's experience's has helped me enormously. From the operation to the first chemo, hair loss, aches and pains then on to Radiation. Even being guided to where I can understand my Path Report.

I am so happy to be over the everyday treatment and am looking forward to Christmas.

Thank You Everyone.

Jan. xxxxx



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Good on you, Jan. It's an achievement that most people, thankfully, will never have claim to. Marg xxx
  • Mrs_H
    Mrs_H Member Posts: 107
    Congrats on the milestone. Reflection is a good thing to show just how far you’ve come and what amazing (but horrible) things you can do when you have to just get it done. Celebrate and then look at moving on. Your husband will hopefully come around to what the new normal will be. Cheers, Jen. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Hooray! Well done. What happens now depends a lot on circumstances but also on you. Look forward, plan, take up your life again. None of us know what will happen in the future and that's never been a reason not to live life! I formally ticked off 5 years and no evidence of disease today. As the wonderful Zoffiel says, if the worst that happens is that I have to stay on hormonal therapy for another 5 years, I am still a very lucky person. And it's been a terrific five years. So here's to your happy Christmas and all the rest to come. 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    its Ok to feel emotional  our path thru treatment is one with many ups and downs..... 
    I felt the same when I had my last day of Rads... like Afraser I am 5yrs out since diagnosis and NED (no evidence of Disease)..... it takes time to heal both emotionally and physically. I doubt I will ever be the same person I was before BC 
    Remember we are here even when you are finished your treatments ..... 
     soldiercrab xxx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Congratulations SURVIVOR. Welcome to the club. Now to reclaim your life. Kath x

  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Job well done love it’s always a relief to finish then the feeling of being a bit vulnerable as well is normal. It gets better over time. Sit back relax and pour yourself a glass of something nice if that’s your thing and be proud of what you’ve done. It’s a massive hill to climb sometimes but you’ve done it, got to the top and woohoo time for your happy dance. I cried too when I finished so did my husband and thought thank fuck for that! Have an awesome Xmas with you family. Eat drink and be merry and look forward to a great 2018. Margie. Xx 
  • MKitty68
    MKitty68 Member Posts: 261
    I guess it's like you're holding your breath, just pushing to get through it all, one step after the other, and now it's done you can breathe again but are afraid to in a way, or simply forget what it's like to not have to think about the next step.
    I have one week to go until i'm finished my rads. I still have 5 years of hormone blockers to get through.
    Enjoy your xmas with your family! At least you are here to be able to celebrate it with them :-)