How could I of missed that!!!!

Member Posts: 261 ✭
Hello ladies, well I had just about started to typing out my latest problem - Mammogram and ultra sound this morning and I felt that they gave my R boob nipple and node area (all nodes gone) extra attention. So as soon as I got home I had a thorough check - and found an indentation right next to my nipple!! Panic, panic - the nipple looked different than the other - panic, panic - but it did anyway after radio - still panic, panic, I'm sure there wasn't a dent there before .... surely I would of noticed. I need a better mirror, I haven't got a full length one and have to contort a bit to see my boobs....and as I was getting myself under control - (I did it once, I can do it again).... And just before I started writing this my docs surgery rang- oh no.... to confirm my apt for Monday... Yayyyyy. I told reception what had happened and she said she already had the results and all fine - big sigh - Oh I love my Docs and there receptionist that bent the rules a little to stop me from panicking. Think I will go and buy a lotto ticket...
Oh gosh....nothing like that feeling of terror and panic returning. Good job talking your way through it. X0