Is Her2 Hereditry ?

ShazS Member Posts: 131
Hi , Am wondering if Her2 is Hereditry ? I have daughters and I am rather concerned. Thanks Shazx


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Hope not!  My mother didn't have cancer of any kind, nor can I find any cancer, of any kind,  in the last 2 generations of both my families.  My oncologist said that my daughter's chances remain about the same as for the rest of the population - which is of course higher than most people think, but the positive side are is that your children have a real incentive to make sure they are screened regularly. They will also benefit from every development that is happening. By the time I talked to my daughter about her thoughts on the cervical cancer vaccine, she had already been vaccinated!
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Thanks for writing back and that's a positive thought.Shazx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    If you carry a common genetic breast cancer mutated  gene it means you have a 50% chance if passing it on. Even if you have the gene doesn't guarantee you will get breast cancer. Nor does it determine what type of breast cancer.

    Genetic  risk of breast cancers they estimate at less than 10% 

    Her2 + bc are about 20 to 25% of bc. 
    TnBC is about the same I believe
    And the rest are estrogen+ or combos.

    So no...just because you have her2× doesn't mean you will pass the risk to your daughter. 

    Kath x

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I look forward to reading more about the research news today but 72 variants to predict whether you are likely to get breast cancer or not tends to bear out the multiple triggers rather than one or two causes theory.