Radiation finished today!

Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
Today I had my last radiation treatment!
25 done and just in time. My skin can't take any more. My Rad Oncologist was suggesting a break, but I only had 2 more to go.
Now just to have dressings changed every day next week and see her on Mondays.

I am feeling very fragile, but I guess I am relieved it is done, no more lying with my arms above my head for 20 minutes trying to find ways to distract myself from the pain in my arm and shoulder.

I was not prepared for the pain of the burns. I am being dressed with Flamazine burn cream and lots of padding but the pain is quite considerable, and swelling very obvious, especially under the arms.
I started on Panadol but am now up to the Endone to try and ease it.

I don't know if others have had such a reaction, but I am feeling exhausted, and very sorry for myself.


  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    @Unicornkisses, congratulations on finishing. I'm on number 17 of 30. When did the burns start. We get lead to believe rads is easy but not so sure. It sounds bloody painful and like you haven't been through enough already.
    Thinking of you
    Lisa x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Congratulations for dragging yourself over the finish line. X

  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Take the time now to heal and recover lovey you will get there. Margie xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Woo hoo!  You got there!  yay!
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Thank you ladies, your encouragement helps.
    It has been 11 long months! So far.

    @LMK74 the redness and itching started on week 3 (from about session 11 onwards) Telfast really helped with the itching. I was told to use it by the nurse.
    The real burns started mid week 4, mostly underarm and dotted over the mastectomy area the skin turned white. The lump under my arm where the lymphnodes were removed became very painful and swollen from the beginning of week 4 (session 16 and onwards) so it became necessary for the technicians to move me using the sheet not by touching my body.
    Skin breakdown started over the weekend before session 21, just a little at first but by session 23 was quite marked and I was using Panadeine forte alternated with Panadol 4 times a day.
    week 4 I started to have difficulty sleeping, and I would wake in a lot of pain.
    I realise too that I am not keeping up with the amount of water I need to drink.
    The nurses did say drink lots of water, but I really need litres, my mouth is constantly dry and I am getting headaches especially overnight, another reason I am waking up.

    Apparently not everyone gets such a reaction though, sometimes it just stays red like sunburn.

    Some suggestions for you, drink more water than you think you need.
    sleep with the BCNA mastectomy pillow under your arm if you have one.
    Have painkillers beside the bed to take before you get up if you are in pain.
    Flamazine burn cream is soothing and really helps, it is antibacterial too, if you get broken skin.
    The Rad Onc wrote me a script for 10 tubes (total cost $38.80) for me to use when doing my own dressings.
    and tired! I can just sit in a chair anywhere and close my eyes.

    Hopefully you will not get such a reaction.
    Everyone is different for the amount of radiation they get each time, apparently, and the skin is different on everyone.

    I am just resigned to having every jolly side effect there is going!
    see, feeling sorry for myself!

    Still I am going to see my 15 month old Granddaughter today, so today will be a good day!

  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    @Unicornkisses my skin broke down quite badly too. The good news is, it heals really quickly. Well done finishing!!
  • jadziatoo
    jadziatoo Member Posts: 38
    Congratulations on finishing radiation. Hope you heal quickly.
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Thank you @Molly001 that is what I need to hear!

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    @Unicornkisses, Yayyyyyyy!!! Congratulations on finishing your radiotherapy. Thought this was fitting for you.

    Image result for congratulations on finishing radiotherapy
    All the best. Xx Cath
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    @Unicornkisses, thanks for the tips and I use my mastectomy pillow some nights as under my arm is tender. I can't wait to be done. Hope you heal quickly and hope you had a good day.
  • Mrs_H
    Mrs_H Member Posts: 107
    Congratulations on the milestone. Onwards and upwards from here. Cheers, Jen.
  • Kat09
    Kat09 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 269
    Congratulations on finishing Rads @Unicornkisses! I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time though. My skin held up pretty well but did flare up quiet badly after I had finished treatment as did the fatigue. My nurses were great and started dressing the tender areas with solugel and gladwrap from about week 4, something i continued until 3 weeks after treatment when my skin settled. The glad wrap was great as it was easy to position, kept the moisture in my skin and most of all wasn't too bulky. Your skin does get to a peak reaction and then once it turns it heals really quickly. Wishing you all the best  with your healing.
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Take care of you
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Congratulations. I was totally unprepared for how emotional I became at the end of radiation. It was like I’m done now, and everyone was yay etc, but it really hit me hard how much I had been through. Be kind to yourself, you have been through so much, and it’s ok to feel exhausted. 
    Rest up now.
    paula xxx
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Thank you, ladies, your congratulations have helped me look at it differently and now I am celebrating being finished too.

    A lovely friend made me a dinner salad and muffins to have a celebratory dinner with my husband, and sitting and talking with her helped me put it in perspective.
    Isnt it amazing how much it helps having an understanding friend, or family.

    A trip to see the Radiation Oncologist and for dressing by the nurse yesterday helped too, I have new pain medication Targin, which will help me sleep through the night without waking in pain in the early mornings, I took it last night and it worked!
    I think not sleeping well contributed to the feeling of self pity and fatigue. And being in constant pain didn't help either.
    I take it again in the morning and it should last me 12 hours.

    Thank you again for your support, as always.