I’m famous!!!!

Member Posts: 207 ✭
Inspirational local mum Laura Gray is giving cancer the bird this Sunday. FULL STORY: http://bit.ly/2l3FfaG
Hi there Laura. I LOVE your shirts...... bloody hilarious. And good on you love you’re an inspiration to us all and you can face adversity and challenges in life and it can go either way can’t it either crawl under a rock and ask “why me” and never come out or you can pick yourself up brush yourself off and face that challenge with the biggest set of hairy balls ever seen and do exactly what you are doing. ...... here’s to you girl. And FUCK YOU CANCER..... absolutely. Margie xxxx
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Awesome. You're an inspiration to us all.0
Great stuff Laura! F U cancer, go you!0
Good on Laura, My sentiments you can go either way down and fall into a heap or get up and charge forward and my best wishes to us all we can together fight through the bumps in the road go girls and men .1
@lgray3911 and I was in Port Douglas last week, could have used a face to face pep talk from someone like yourself. Good on you and keep it up. Xxx1